VoteClimate: Layla Moran MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Layla Moran MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Layla Moran is the Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon.

We have identified 11 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2017 in which Layla Moran could have voted.

Layla Moran is rated Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 8
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 3

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Layla Moran's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 31 Climate-Related Tweets by Layla Moran.

  • 19 Jul 2024 Local councils are on the front line of the climate crisis in our communities. The govt spoke about local people having a say in their plans for net zero. I asked the Minister whether he agrees that the best way for local voices to be heard is through our local councils. [Source]
  • 28 Jun 2024 Climate change is the biggest existential threat we are facing, and yet, the Tories seem to be set on taking us backwards in our progress towards net zero. The Lib Dems would prioritise insulating homes up and down the country, improving energy efficiency and lowering bills. [Source]
  • 21 Apr 2024 Tackling climate change is the right thing to do and has market benefits. In the dwindling days of a govt with no ideas, Sunak's rowing back on climate ambition may be another attempt at a wedge issue. Ultimately future generations will suffer from this short-sightedness. [Source]
  • 21 Apr 2024 While it's important to engage with those who disagree, as a former Physics teacher I'll always stand up for the science. Tackling climate change means investing in new technologies, driving innovation. Failing to take the risk seriously would simply be catastrophic. [Source]
  • 12 Apr 2024 As an organic farm, we discussed soil quality and biodiversity in farming. I was told we need to think about putting back as well as taking out. British farmers are vital in tackling climate change and protecting the environment so they need proper funding and support. [Source]
  • 19 Jan 2024 Great to see the launch of Oxford's new electric bus network, making it one of the UK’s leading cities for zero-emission travel. Oxford now has more electric buses per capita than London, providing a greener, cleaner city for us to live in. [Source]
  • 20 Oct 2023 I am so proud of Lib Dem run Oxfordshire County Council being top of Climate Emergency UK’s 2023 climate action scorecard. Their hard work and commitment to net zero in Oxfordshire sets an example which the Govt should follow. [Source]
  • 27 Sep 2023 RT @itvpeston: “We saw them last week row back on commitments towards Net Zero, this is another nail in that coffin. You cannot trust the C… [Source]
  • 13 Sep 2023 ???? I'm proud to support #BackBritishFarmingDay. Farmers play a vital role in tackling climate change, enhancing the environment and providing high-quality food. So thank you to all the wonderful, hard-working farmers in Oxfordshire and across Britain! [Source]
  • 07 Sep 2023 The dither and delay from govt over Horizon Europe prevented scientists from cooperating on everything from tackling climate change to curing cancer. We should have never left the scheme and I'm glad the Govt has finally decided to re-join. ???? Speaking to @LBCNews earlier [Source]
  • 26 Jul 2023 @emilysmithLD @NFUBerksBucksOx We also met with @CherwellCollect to see if more can be done on the climate emergency, whether HMOs are the right solution for the housing crisis, and whether the PR9 developers could be persuaded to work together to reduce flood risk to Yarnton village. [Source]
  • 17 Apr 2023 RT @PTylerLords: Once again leading the environment, energy & climate change movement in Parliament = special congratulations to Cornwall's… [Source]
  • 21 Mar 2023 RT @KHayhoe: Here are the big takeaways from the @IPCC_CH Synthesis Report released today. First, climate change has already caused wides… [Source]
  • 17 Nov 2022 RT @FreedomForAlaa: It's hard to capture the power of this moment: #COP27 delegates who may not have known Alaa's name a few weeks ago, cha… [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2022 RT @ReutersAfrica: Hunger striker's sister flies in to Egypt COP27 to campaign for his release… [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2022 RT @sana2: Alaa just drank his last cup of tea in prison. Starting today he's on zero calorie strike. In 5 days, as #COP27 starts, he will… [Source]
  • 26 Oct 2022 The govt has clearly forgotten that we are in a climate crisis as well as an economic one. Yesterday, they pushed… [Source]
  • 07 Sep 2022 Cabinet appointments: The person in charge of climate is a climate change sceptic, the person in charge of migratio… [Source]
  • 13 Nov 2021 As we near the end of #COP26, how can we trust our Government to do what's best for the whole planet when we can't… [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2021 Parliament should be focused on vital issues like #COP26. Instead, this government has attempted to drive a coach a… [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2021 RT @hedgehoghugh: Really lovely to see so many people turn out for #ClimateCrisis march in #Oxford today - we can't all be at #COP26 but th… [Source]
  • 01 Nov 2021 This budget failed to make the statement needed as we begin #COP26 — that this Government takes climate change seri… [Source]
  • 31 Oct 2021 RT @LibDems: Today is the start of #COP26 , which could well be our last chance to take substantive action on the Climate Crisis. Liberal… [Source]
  • 27 Oct 2021 ????Investment in green transport to tackle climate change, including electrifying East West Rail and building communi… [Source]
  • 21 Oct 2021 RT @AbCarbonCutters: Q&A on #COP26 : Abingdon’s youth were represented in our Q&A with @LaylaMoran and @neilfawce… [Source]
  • 25 Sep 2021 Boris Johnson has undermined his government’s efforts ahead of COP26 by pushing ahead with these cruel cuts. It's… [Source]
  • 30 Dec 2020 RT @NS_Spotlight: This year, we have published op-eds by MPs on everything from climate change to cyber security. Here is a selection of th… [Source]
  • 13 Dec 2020 RT @OxHRF: Great turnout at yesterday's "Can the UK lead on Climate Change? CEE Bill and our future." online discussion by @CEEbill_NOW! Th… [Source]
  • 18 Nov 2020 Great thread from @LibDems climate change spokesperson @sarahjolney1 on Govt’s 10-point plan.???? [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2020 We need global leadership to defeat coronavirus, fight climate change and secure the freedoms we hold dear. I hop… [Source]
  • 02 Sep 2020 RT @LibDemWhips: Coronavirus, Climate has never been more important to understand that we all share one planet and it is in our… [Source]

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