VoteClimate: Liz Jarvis MP: Climate Timeline

Liz Jarvis MP: Climate Timeline

Liz Jarvis is the Liberal Democrat MP for Eastleigh.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Liz Jarvis could have voted.

Liz Jarvis is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Liz Jarvis's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Liz Jarvis in the last 90 days

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  • 12 Feb 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    The subject of the debate is vital to my constituents. Fuel poverty has left thousands of people in Eastleigh and across the country in a terrible situation this winter. The Liberal Democrats are gravely concerned that Government delays in tackling poorly insulated homes have left thousands of people cold and living in fuel poverty. The UK has the oldest housing stock in Europe and it is among the least energy-efficient. The previous Government failed to commit to a meaningful renewable energy programme or a decent homes standard to bring down energy bills, reduce emissions and improve public health. As a result, an estimated 6 million households are in fuel poverty.

    According to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero sub-regional fuel poverty data, 7.2% of households in my constituency, amounting to nearly 3,000 families, live in fuel poverty. Many pensioners are just over the income threshold for receiving pension credit, but still struggle immensely. Constituents tell me that they have resorted to using only a microwave to cook meals, because it is cheaper than an oven, while people living in park homes have told me that they have had to turn off their electric heating entirely, even though their walls are just two inches thick and not properly insulated.

    Full debate: Fuel Poverty: England

  • 18 Jan 2025: Tweet

    @kateferguson4 Social media can fuel anxiety but the reasons for Mental Health issues are incredibly complex. Young people have so much to worry about - the cost of living, housing, crime, the climate crisis, global conflict - it’s hardly surprising so many are experiencing stress. [Source]
  • 30 Nov 2024: Tweet

    RT @EarlRussellLD: My✍️@TheHouseMag Labour’s green mission signals a bold shift toward decarbonising the UK. But without detailed plans for… [Source]

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