VoteClimate: Louie French MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Louie French MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Louie French is the Conservative MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup.

We have identified 2 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2021 in which Louie French could have voted.

Louie French is rated Anti for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 2
  • Did not vote: 0

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Louie French's Speeches In Parliament Related to Climate

We've found 1 Parliamentary debates in which Louie French has spoken about climate-related matters.

Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.

  • 16 Apr 2024: Oral Answers to Questions

    11. What recent estimate she has made of the cost of decarbonising the grid by (a) 2030 and (b) 2035. ( 902284 )


    The Conservatives have a strong track record of promoting renewables, and this Government are supporting British companies and supply chains through programmes such as Giga with funding which now stands at more than £1 billion. Does my right hon. Friend agree that Labour’s unaffordable and unrealistic plans to achieve a net zero grid by 2030 will not give British supply chains time to grow, as well as meaning the “made in China” transition to which she has referred?

    Does my right hon. Friend agree that Labour’s unaffordable and unrealistic plans to achieve a net zero grid by 2030 will not give British supply chains time to grow, as well as meaning the “made in China” transition to which she has referred?


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