VoteClimate: Mary Foy MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Mary Foy MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Mary Foy is the Labour MP for City of Durham.

We have identified 10 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2019 in which Mary Foy could have voted.

Mary Foy is rated Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 6
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 4

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Mary Foy's Speeches In Parliament Related to Climate

We've found 6 Parliamentary debates in which Mary Foy has spoken about climate-related matters.

Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.

  • 16 Mar 2023: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation


    This has been a dark week in our politics. On Monday, we debated the immoral Illegal Migration Bill—or the anti-refugee Bill, as it should be called. The Bill scapegoats refugees—people fleeing from climate change and from war. Now we have a Budget that fails to resolve the real issues that working people in our country face. Whether it is at home or abroad, the Conservative party does not care for working people or the most vulnerable people. The nasty party is well and truly back, with its divide-and-rule politics.


  • 23 Nov 2022: Fire Services: North-east England


    Climate change means that we will need firefighters more than ever, as wildfires and floods become more frequent. The damage done by extreme weather conditions such as Storm Arwen is no longer a once-in-a-generation event; we will increasingly have to live with it. I echo the FBU’s call for a statutory duty for flooding in England, as there is in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is clear that we need a well-funded service. Let us not forget that it was the firefighters that dealt with some of the most harrowing scenes during the pandemic. It is only right that those who gave so much during that time are appropriately rewarded.


  • 22 Mar 2022: School Rebuilding Programme


    First, how much scope is there for schools and communities to input into the design of a school and can other funding from local authorities, such as that resulting from the sale of land, be incorporated? Secondly, what have the Government learned from the pandemic about ensuring adequate ventilation and air-cleaning in buildings, and will that learning be incorporated into the design of new builds? Similarly, what have they learned from the pandemic about supporting teachers with the technology that they need, and how will such technology be incorporated into new buildings? Finally, how does the Government’s school rebuilding work tie in with their work on achieving net zero and their manifesto commitment on retrofitting public buildings?


  • 4 Mar 2021: Income Tax (Charge)


    Cutting through the fanfare, this Budget was devoid of imagination and substance. It may see Britain through to the end of the Prime Minister’s road map, but it does not come close to addressing the social, economic and climate crisis we face.


  • 23 Feb 2021: Government's Management of the Economy


    Of course, it is not all gloom and doom. The coronavirus has taught us a lot about work, our communities and our society. If the Government had any ambition, they would look beyond sticking-plaster solutions towards a new type of economy, aimed at reducing the inequalities between regions in health, housing, work and opportunities. They might also imagine a green future for our economy, based in areas such as the north-east that have been neglected. Years ago, we talked about 1 million climate jobs. That should be part of the transition to a net-zero future. This is an opportunity to rebuild the economy on different foundations, if those in power could only see it.


  • 3 Dec 2020: Future of Coal in the UK


    I thank the hon. Member for North West Durham (Mr Holden) for bringing this debate to the House. It is very important to be having it, in view of the crisis in the economy and the wider climate emergency.


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