VoteClimate: Melanie Onn MP: Climate Timeline

Melanie Onn MP: Climate Timeline

Melanie Onn is the Labour MP for Great Grimsby and Cleethorpes.

We have identified 9 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Melanie Onn could have voted.

Melanie Onn is rated Very Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 8
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 1

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Melanie Onn's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Melanie Onn in the last 90 days

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  • 7 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    Having worked with the Crown Estate in a previous role before returning to this place, I must say that I have had a slightly different experience from my hon. Friend the Member for Mid and South Pembrokeshire (Henry Tufnell). I know that in recent years the Crown Estate has sought to expand the areas of work in which it actively engages, and has provided immense support for the renewables sector. We should bear in mind that there has been a collective understanding—not just within our Government—that for energy security purposes we must, as a minimum, look at renewable energy sources to supplement our other energy sources as we progress, and as we view the global economics and the changing impact of the energy industry and the way in which others are maximising this change to encourage wealth into their countries.

    The right hon. Member for Orkney and Shetland (Mr Carmichael), who is my co-chair on the all-party parliamentary group on fisheries, rightly raised the issues and concerns that the fishing communities will have. However, in Committee in the Lords, there was a conversation about the regional wealth funds that the Bill will create. It seems to me that there is a prize opportunity for support and training for the fishing industry, to make it work alongside the renewables sector and to look at the opportunities that will come from the decarbonisation happening in that sector when it comes to offshore vessels and flexibility of service, so that a fishing vessel is not just a fishing vessel. Can it be used for multiple purposes? Can it be used for surveys? It can, because fishing vessels are already being used for surveys. There is an opportunity for the Bill to support those other industries, and we should not lose sight of that.

    Full debate: Crown Estate Bill [Lords]

  • 27 Dec 2024: Tweet

    Green energy projects are creating hundreds of new jobs in our North East Lincolnshire, and bringing thousands in new investment. [Source]

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