VoteClimate: Monica Harding MP: Climate Timeline

Monica Harding MP: Climate Timeline

Monica Harding is the Liberal Democrat MP for Esher and Walton.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Monica Harding could have voted.

Monica Harding is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Monica Harding's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Monica Harding in the last 90 days

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  • 18 Dec 2024: Tweet

    We need to increase the rate of insulation upgrades. In Esher and Walton, over 24,000 houses have an energy performance banding of D or worse - this means high carbon dioxide emissions and higher energy bills. I raised this to the Minister asking for an urgent commitment to the… [Source]
  • 17 Dec 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    More than 24,000 homes in my constituency have an energy performance certificate banding of D or worse, which means 50,000 tonnes of avoidable carbon dioxide emissions and higher energy bills for my constituents. However, the rate of insulation upgrades is too slow for us to meet the Government’s goal of universal band C ratings by 2035. Will the Minister commit herself with more urgency to an emergency home insulation programme with targeted support for those on low incomes?

    Full debate: Topical Questions

  • 11 Nov 2024: Tweet

    Conflict, poverty, food insecurity and climate change effects can cause population movements. We must look at the root causes of immigration. I asked the Minister if she would therefore support an increase in the ODA budget rather than the cut in the budget. #Budget @LibDems [Source]
  • 10 Oct 2024: Tweet

    Climate change threatens our future and this Bill would be positive and very much needed progress to combat the climate and nature emergency. #CANBill @LibDems [Source]
  • 10 Oct 2024: Tweet

    Climate change threatens our future and this Bill would be positive and very much needed progress to combat the climate and nature emergency. #CANBill [Source]

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