VoteClimate: Nadia Whittome MP: Climate Timeline

Nadia Whittome MP: Climate Timeline

Nadia Whittome is the Labour MP for Nottingham East.

We have identified 10 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2019 in which Nadia Whittome could have voted.

Nadia Whittome is rated Very Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 9
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 1

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Nadia Whittome's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Nadia Whittome in the last 90 days

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  • 06 Feb 2025: Tweet

    This January, global temperatures were a shocking 1.75°C above preindustrial levels, making it the hottest on record. It is our moral duty to do everything we can to stop climate change in its tracks. This is why the Heathrow expansion and Rosebank development cannot happen. [Source]
  • 24 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    With Trump’s election in the US, his Government of billionaires, for billionaires, and his frenzied pursuit of fossil fuels, it is more important now than ever that we do not pander to his climate denialism and that the UK plays a leading role in mitigating the climate crisis, restoring nature and adapting to the impacts that those emergencies are causing. Our lives, especially the lives of younger generations, will be blighted by those twin crises. In recent months, we have seen fires raging through California, storm after storm batter the UK, and devastating flooding from Thailand to Spain. If this is now, imagine the extreme weather events we could be seeing in 20, 40 or 60 years.

    Full debate: Climate and Nature Bill

  • 17 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Great to visit Bluecoat Trent Academy and discuss issues students care about - poverty, the climate crisis, youth clubs, free school meals and council homes to name a few - and what they want the government to do. Visiting schools in our city always restores my sense of hope ☺️ [Source]
  • 10 Jan 2025: Tweet

    As wildfires destroy LA and UK floods devastate homes, the wealthiest 1% already used up their share of the carbon budget in the first ten days of 2025. Someone in the poorest 50% would take three years to produce the same pollution. Inequality is driving the climate crisis. [Source]
  • 06 Jan 2025: Tweet

    These devastating scenes of flooding serve as a powerful reminder that climate change is already disrupting people's lives and destroying their homes. In England, one in four properties will be at risk of flooding by 2050. This is why funding the green transition is so vital. [Source]

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