VoteClimate: Naz Shah MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Naz Shah MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Naz Shah is the Labour MP for Bradford West.

We have identified 19 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Naz Shah could have voted.

Naz Shah is rated Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 11
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 8

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Naz Shah's Speeches In Parliament Related to Climate

We've found 2 Parliamentary debates in which Naz Shah has spoken about climate-related matters.

Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.

  • 9 Mar 2021: Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation


    Bradford was at the heart of the industrial revolution and is now at the heart of the northern powerhouse. We have one of the youngest populations not just in the UK, but in Europe. We have been ranked as the second most entrepreneurial city in Britain, and the University of Bradford was recently ranked, in a new study, No. 1 for impact on social mobility. Bradford is aiming to become the UK’s leading growth city. I am really grateful for the £50 million that we have already got from central Government for air quality. That contributes to the wider ambition, but this is about more than net zero. It is about incorporating sustainable development goals, one of which is our ambition to be the city of culture in 2025.


  • 22 Feb 2021: Planning Reform

    Cumbria County Council has been hemmed in by the planning system over the application for the west Cumbria coalmine, which it will likely be forced to pass to avoid the threat of legal costs. This is despite the environmental damage and the small number of unsustainable jobs that the mine will create. Leaving aside fixing the flaws in a system that allows for the opening of a polluting coalmine in the year that the UK hosts COP26, will the Secretary of State now do the right thing on this issue of national—if not global—importance, block this application and work with his colleagues in the Cabinet to provide the long-term, secure and green jobs that west Cumbrians deserve instead?


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