VoteClimate: Oliver Ryan MP: Climate Timeline

Oliver Ryan MP: Climate Timeline

Oliver Ryan is the Labour MP for Burnley.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Oliver Ryan could have voted.

Oliver Ryan is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Oliver Ryan's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Oliver Ryan

  • 4 Feb 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    T2. Green energy is the economic opportunity of the 21st century, and in an ever more unstable world, home-grown renewables are critical to our security and self-sufficiency. What will the Secretary of State do to make sure that Burnley, Padiham and Brierfield, and places like those, benefit from new green jobs growth? ( 902557 )

    Full debate: Topical Questions

  • 04 Feb 2025: Tweet

    Clean Green Energy is the future - but I want to make sure Burnley, Padiham and Brierfield benefit. #GreenJobs #CleanEnergy [Source]
  • 04 Sep 2024: Tweet

    ????????☀️????Yesterday, I welcomed the Government’s announcement that we've attracted hundreds more renewable energy projects across the country. The right and patriotic thing to do is to back Great British Energy and do all we can to stop gas tyrants like Putin holding us to ransom! [Source]
  • 18 Jun 2024: Tweet

    ⚡️♻️ ???????? More renewable energy is a critical part of Labour's plan to bring down bills and for our long-term energy security. It was great to visit the Coal Clough Wind Farm in Cliviger, part of the #Burnley constituency, which powers thousands of local homes. @SPRenewables [Source]
  • 18 Jun 2024: Tweet

    ⚡️♻️ ???????? More renewable energy is a critical part of Labour's plan to bring down bills and for our long-term energy security. It was great to visit the Coal Clough Wind Farm in Cliviger, part of the #Burnley constituency, which powers thousands of local homes. @SPRenewables [Source]
  • 13 May 2024: Tweet

    @UKLabour @CoopParty From community ownership of renewable energy to worker ownership of businesses, @CoopParty believes in giving people a say and a stake. By becoming a Co-operative Party member as well as a Labour member, you can have your say in our policy, in our selections and in our campaigns [Source]
  • 18 Jun 2023: Tweet

    Labour’s plan for: ✅Money off your bills ✅Good green jobs ✅Tackling the climate crisis ✅Local communities in control & sharing in returns on investment [Source]
  • 20 Nov 2022: Tweet

    As @Keir_Starmer told us in September: "Conference, on climate change, growth, aspiration, levelling-up, Brexit, economic responsibility we are the party of the centre-ground." "Once again, the political wing of the British people." [Source]
  • 04 Nov 2022: Tweet

    Remember when they said the PM wouldn't attend #COP27 because of "£2000 a night hotel rooms"? Yet the Home Secretary is pootling about in a £3500 per hour chinook helicopter. They're the worst kind of headline chasing, virtue signalling con men. [Source]

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