Rachel Blake is the Labour MP for Cities of London and Westminster.
We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Rachel Blake could have voted.
Rachel Blake is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)
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We've found 1 Parliamentary debates in which Rachel Blake has spoken about climate-related matters.
Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.
I wish to raise one small concern of a landlord about the impact that the changes will have both on them and on their tenants. They own a single, upper-floor, leasehold flat. They own only the inside of the flat—not the exterior, the wall gaps or the loft. The Bill’s provisions on energy efficiency and so forth are of concern to them. Obviously, we want people to have homes that they can afford to heat and that meet climate change obligations, but not all small landlords are scrupulous, and relying on them to be so is not appropriate protection for tenants. As the Bill progresses, I ask the Minister to consider how the Government will support small landlords who want to do the right thing, so that the private rental sector does not become the sole preserve of well-heeled, large landlords.
I wonder whether I might provide some helpful clarification: this Bill has no provisions in it that deal with minimum energy-efficiency standards in the private rented sector. The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero will shortly go out to consultation on those MEE standards for the PRS, but it is not within the scope of this Bill.