VoteClimate: Rebecca Harris MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Rebecca Harris MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Rebecca Harris is the Conservative MP for Castle Point.

We have identified 30 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2010 in which Rebecca Harris could have voted.

Rebecca Harris is rated Anti for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 2
  • Against: 27
  • Did not vote: 1

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Rebecca Harris's Speeches In Parliament Related to Climate

We've found 4 Parliamentary debates in which Rebecca Harris has spoken about climate-related matters.

Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.

  • 8 Jan 2015: Winter Floods 2013-14


    I conclude by saying that I am very encouraged, oddly, by how much progress has been made by the Department and the Environment Agency in their understanding of the importance of flood risk as a result of the devastating and horrendous events that have occurred, which have really upped everyone’s game and focused attention on the issue. We have been talking about climate change for years, but we are increasingly addressing the other side of the question, namely that if we are going to get climate change, we need to adapt so that it does not damage our residents’ lives and security. I am delighted that we are looking at that as a major issue for the country. I warn that I will keep pressing my local authority, my local council and my water company, as marvellous a job as they are doing, to keep doing more and working harder, because the job is not done yet.


  • 19 Nov 2014: Winter Flooding (Preparation)


    In August 2013 there was severe surface water flooding across my constituency, and my residents were told that it was a one-in-100-year event. Many hon. Members will have seen the flooding in my constituency on 20 July 2014, which we were told was a one-in-319-year event. One of my constituents remarked to me that his maths is not very good but that something did not add up. We clearly need to consider the fact that the national weather patterns are changing due to climate change, and that such rainfall events will be more frequent in future. We desperately need to ensure that we are prepared.


  • 3 Dec 2010: Daylight Saving Bill


    I support the Bill. In the early days, organisations such as ROSPA did much to support measures on safety grounds, but does the hon. Lady agree that, with the challenge of climate change and the importance of reducing our carbon emissions, it is more important than ever that the bizarre practices that apply to private Members’ business on Fridays do not prevent the Bill from getting a full and proper hearing and reaching the statute book?

    I thank the hon. Lady for that helpful intervention. I agree. The arguments in favour of the measure now are more salient than they ever have been. I will go on to outline some of those issues, including the climate change impact that she is concerned about.


  • 1 Jul 2010: Global Poverty


    In an era of global responsibility, where 24,000 children die in poverty every day and more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day, it is right that we should maintain our international aid budget and do all we can through trade, diplomacy, business investment and climate change policy to ensure that our efforts to help the world’s poorest are not damaged by the uncertain state of the global economy. It is also right that in the current economic climate, more than ever every pound of taxpayer’s money that we deliver in aid must provide the most value possible and be distributed through a system that is completely transparent.


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