VoteClimate: Richard Holden MP: Climate Timeline

Richard Holden MP: Climate Timeline

Richard Holden is the Conservative MP for Basildon and Billericay.

We have identified 10 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2019 in which Richard Holden could have voted.

Richard Holden is rated Anti for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 10
  • Did not vote: 0

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Richard Holden's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Richard Holden in the last 90 days

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  • 03 Feb 2025: Tweet

    RT @joymorrissey: This article gets to the heart of the Miliband net zero madness. He is making us all poorer and he doesn’t care. https://… [Source]
  • 16 Jan 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    It is a source of national shame that our country was so underprepared for the covid pandemic, and the Conservatives need to take their fair share of the responsibility for that. We all worry about where the next pandemic will come from, and I am particularly concerned about the risk posed by dengue fever. For those who are not aware of it, let me explain that it is a disease spread by mosquitoes. It has been travelling closer and closer to the UK in recent years owing to rising temperatures and climate change, and has most recently been found in Paris. As one who represents a constituency on the south coast, I am especially worried about the warning that it could be within the UK within years. There is currently no cure, but there is a vaccine going through trials thanks to international collaboration, of which our country is a part. May I ask what steps the Government are taking to improve our preparedness for the next pandemic, wherever it may come from and however it may be transmitted?

    Full debate: Covid-19 Inquiry

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