VoteClimate: Rupert Lowe MP: Climate Timeline

Rupert Lowe MP: Climate Timeline

Rupert Lowe is the Reform MP for Great Yarmouth.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Rupert Lowe could have voted.

Rupert Lowe is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Rupert Lowe's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Rupert Lowe in the last 90 days

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  • 26 Nov 2024: Tweet

    I've discovered that Department for Energy Security and Net Zero staff conducted 1,130 flights (some single, some return) between Jan to Sep 24. The total air miles? 3,211,644. They tell us how to live our lives? Set an example. I absolutely detest climate hypocrisy. [Source]
  • 23 Nov 2024: Tweet

    RT @TiceRichard: MOD Net Zero wokery I expose: Deliberately not buying British steel Deliberately sending our jobs & money overseas De… [Source]
  • 6 Nov 2024: Parliamentary Speech

    However, we can now see that that is irrelevant, as the massive increase in employers’ national insurance contributions and the equally venal cut in the payment threshold from £9,000 to £5,000 is a huge tax on employment in the private sector, which, unlike the state, cannot print money in taxpayers’ collective name to cover any budget shortfall. This will mean that the private sector will employ fewer people by design, and will reduce pay rises, increase prices, invest less, and pay less corporation tax. It is a disaster for a Government to hand out taxpayers’ money like confetti, without proper checks and balances, taking hard-working taxpayers for fools. This Budget is only possible because quantitative easing has allowed the state to grow without justification, nurturing the culture of central planning, misguided net zero obsession, and all the elements of collectivism that took a generation to destroy the Soviet Union. The Chancellor has landed a knockout punch on private sector entrepreneurs.

    Full debate: Budget Resolutions

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