VoteClimate: Sam Rushworth MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Sam Rushworth MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Sam Rushworth is the Labour MP for Bishop Auckland.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Sam Rushworth could have voted.

Sam Rushworth is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Sam Rushworth's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 52 Climate-Related Tweets by Sam Rushworth.

  • 17 Sep 2024 What an honour join brilliant minds at @DEI_durham for @GEMS_Minewater conf on Geothermal Energy, planning a future where homes & public buildings are warmed on networks, pumping heat energy from beneath our feet. Durham is leading the way on this affordable, sustainable energy. [Source]
  • 30 Jun 2024 Vote Labour for Great British Energy. ???????? Energy Security ????‍♀️30,000 more good jobs in the NE ???? Cheaper energy bills for homes and businesses. ???? Leading the world on climate change. Vote Labour ????this Thursday 4th July???? [Source]
  • 09 Feb 2024 @Nothing__witty Eh? Under Labour's plans the UK will be the first major economy to reach net zero. They include establishing GB Energy (£8.3b); National Wealth Fund to invest in electric vehicle production, ports, clean steel, hydrogen, carbon capture (£7.3b); a Warm Homes Plan £6.6b) and more! [Source]
  • 09 Feb 2024 @Ken_Stonger @CreldBrumple Under Labour's plans, the UK will be world-leading in decarbonising our energy supply. It's other countries you'll need to worry about. [Source]
  • 08 Feb 2024 @CreldBrumple @wesstreeting Absolutely not, that's why under Labour the UK will be the first major economy to reach net zero for electricity production. [Source]
  • 08 Feb 2024 @MarkHoldstock @Bishop4Labour Labour has just set out a world-leading energy plan that will create good jobs in our area, cut energy bills, and make UK the first country to reach net-zero on power, but you want to help us keep a Tory MP. Typical "Green". [Source]
  • 11 Jan 2024 @MarkHoldstock Fortunately, Labour isn't adopting the Conservative agenda. Instead we want to radically break from it after 14 yrs of national decline under the Tories, including cutting energy bills and creating skilled well-paid by making the UK energy secure & 1st country to reach net zero. [Source]
  • 22 Dec 2023 @johnmcternan This story keeps appearing and being rebutted. Obviously, the goal isn't to spend lots of money, the goal is to spend it effectively. And obviously, this has to be subject to fiscal rules. But it's clear we not rolling back on ambition to make Britain energy secure & net zero. [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 Sunak weakly caving into to Liz Truss on net zero commitment is great for rip-off energy companies but bad news for Bishop Auckland. It will mean delaying investment in thousands of skilled well-paid jobs in our region, and households paying higher energy bills for longer. [Source]
  • 04 Sep 2023 @MarkHoldstock @RAIL 1st country in world to achieve net zero with investment in County Durham businesses & publicly owned Great British Energy, creating thousands of well paid jobs while cutting bills; cutting NHS wait times with massive workforce expansion and investment in prevention... [Source]
  • 24 Jun 2023 I love this new local group, "Bishop Auckland and Beyond" - who believe our care about global challenges like hunger and climate change starts with action in our own community... but doesn't end there. [Source]
  • 25 May 2023 And Keir again, speaking at the @britishchambers on how Labour will help British business keep up with the EU and USA, and lead in science, technology, and net zero... [Source]
  • 19 May 2023 @3rdposLD ...Even if they did accept us, the whole process would take years and suck up all the parliamentary time and energy needed to address climate crisis, cost of living crisis, NHS crisis, mental health, child care, school budgets, crime and more.... [Source]
  • 19 May 2023 @MarkHoldstock You're a single issue voter who wants us to pledge to do something that would (a) see Tories hold our seat, (b) not actually be possible (c) take up all the time needed to address urgent challenges like economy, NHS & net zero. And if we won't you'll use your vote against us. [Source]
  • 18 May 2023 This is really worrying. Achieving net zero asap has to be our number one priority. But the good news is, this doesn't have to hurt - Labour's plans would create a million jobs, boost the North East economy, and make us a clean-energy producer, which would also cut energy bills. [Source]
  • 19 Feb 2023 It's vital Britain becomes energy self-reliant, but with the USA & EU investing heavily in their home-grown energy sectors, we risk being left behind. The next Labour government will invest £28 billion a year developing our green energy sector. [Source]
  • 19 Feb 2023 Grateful to @darrenpjones for coming to Bishop Auckland to hear about our potential to develop a green energy industry- creating well paid jobs and cutting bills. [Source]
  • 02 Jan 2023 @PhilSteel69 @GreenPartyMolly @TheGreenParty What's best for our country isn't years of uncertainty & undermining voter confidence, but stabilising the economy, developing productive well-paid jobs and achieving net zero through Labour's Green Prosperity Plan, devolving power to communities, and investing in public services [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2022 @GregClinker @Keir_Starmer It's obvious Labour is committing to bold policies around net zero, but you can't just accost people on their way to meetings, shove a camera in their face and expect them to stop. [Source]
  • 14 Oct 2022 @has_many_books Yeah, but I have conversations about the environment all the time and I'm campaigning for net zero, by electing a Labour government to invest in green energy and consuming responsibly. Vandalism hasn't and won't make a difference [Source]
  • 12 Oct 2022 @WalterMenteth @MattScottMusic @Keir_Starmer Thousands more doctors and nurses; breakfast clubs in every school; new rights for workers; rights for tenants; living wage in law; Green Prosperity Fund deal; Net Zero by 2030; state owned British energy; end non-dom status; fairer tax system... [Source]
  • 05 Oct 2022 @TomTugendhat @trussliz The Tories are the real anti-growth coalition. A serious plan for growth would: 1. Invest in UK research & development 2. Ensure government buys British 3. Invest in schools & colleges 4. Make UK a green energy superpower 5. Give workers a fairer share of the wealth they produce [Source]
  • 05 Oct 2022 @staff_students @Fox_Claire Claire Fox doesn't care about climate change. [Source]
  • 05 Oct 2022 The Tories are the real anti-growth coalition. A serious plan for growth would: 1. Invest in UK research & development 2. Ensure government buys British 3. Invest in schools & colleges 4. Make UK a green energy superpower 5. Give workers a fairer share of the wealth they produce [Source]
  • 03 Oct 2022 P.S. This is not a growth plan A growth plan would be backing British industry with Labour's sovereign wealth fund to make Britain a green energy super-power; abolishing business rates; better trading deals with Europe & the world; and putting more money into the hands of workers [Source]
  • 26 Aug 2022 @Bayla08 We should be investing in R&D to be the global leader in green energy. This is bigger than the space race. Those who get ahead on this curve will be the leaders of tomorrow. Whereas, on our current trajectory, Britain will be a middle income county in the next 50 yrs [Source]
  • 25 Aug 2022 If we'd listened sooner to those campaigning for net zero, we would be able to afford to heat our homes! We don't just need cheaper energy, we need greener more sustainable energy so we're more secure. [Source]
  • 22 Aug 2022 The Green New Deal absolutely is a plan for growth. By investing in science and innovation around green energy we will not only achieve net zero - which we must - we will also create jobs and wealth for the rising generation and secure Britain's place as a world-leader. [Source]
  • 13 Oct 2021 I'm on green tariffs for everything and care deeply about stopping climate change, but I can't see how making people miss job interviews, hospital appointments and school drop-offs will bring change. You need public on your side and you change things at the ballot-box. [Source]
  • 11 Oct 2021 The next Labour government will give retired mineworkers their money back - an average pension boost of £770 a year - and rebuild County Durham's local economy, educating our young people for the green energy jobs of the future... [Source]
  • 27 Nov 2020 @MarxmanHart @CrispianWheldon @PeoplesMomentum I wouldn't say Brexit is a single issue. It's tackling climate change and tax avoidance, its freedom and work opportunities, health & safety standards, peace in NI, wages... That said, I've said in the past I was wrong on this. It was emotional response at a low point in my life [Source]
  • 27 Nov 2020 @CrispianWheldon @PeoplesMomentum The Labour government that took a million children out of poverty, cancelled debts of poorest countries, led the Kyoto protocol, introduced minimum wage & tax credits, brought NHS to record satisfactions levels, rebuilt schools & northern cities, & prevented genocide in Kosovo [Source]
  • 27 Nov 2020 @PeoplesMomentum It would be nice to see you talking more about things like: (1) Protecting jobs and wages during Covid (2) Getting on top of the virus (3) Fuel poverty this winter (4) Opposing cuts to development aid (5) Opposing inevitable local austerity (6) Climate change and green jobs [Source]
  • 30 Sep 2019 Solidarity with @stellacreasy. If these sick people were truly 'pro' life, they'd spend their money campaigning for child refugees, or fighting climate change etc like Stella does. [Source]
  • 01 May 2019 @joegough93 @campbellclaret @UKLabour While i support that vote, let's be honest, they only started talking about it in the past week. So even on climate change they're jumping on the bandwagon, and with the aim of deflecting attention. Brexit is terrible for environment. Get real! [Source]
  • 29 Apr 2019 I like this climate change stuff coming out from Labour. I'd like it more if they were sincere, not just jumping on the bandwagon set in motion by extintion rebellio. [Source]
  • 25 Apr 2019 This much quoted stat about how much UK has reduced greenhouse gas emissions in past 25 yrs is utterly false. It fails to account of imports. So we're just patting ourselves on the back for producing less and importing more. #bbcqt [Source]
  • 01 Mar 2019 #ChangePoliticsBecause the biggest challenges of our time - climate change, cost of housing, social care - are barely tinkered with by politicians from all sides who think they're just too difficult and shy away from radical changes we need. [Source]
  • 09 Oct 2018 @Alteredgeist @lukeakehurst I'm not sure what you mean by this. I strongly support environmental issues and cannot see anything coming out of Labour's current leadership which goes beyond where Labour governments took us. Labour led world on climate change under Blair/Brown. Now we don't lead anything. [Source]
  • 06 Aug 2018 I wish those if you calling for #resignwatson would realise you are giving Labour a bad press. Now the media focus on this instead of Labour's v positive green energy policy. Next you'll blame the media. But it's you making the news. [Source]
  • 25 Feb 2018 2/3 I want to end homelessness, child poverty and cruel anti-family assylum rules. I want to tackle climate change, inequality and the housing crisis. I want to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and other forms of prejudice. I want a genuinely kinder more honest politics... [Source]
  • 03 Dec 2017 I guess your value system is different to mine! I stood to fight inequality and climate change, strengthen mental health services, stand up for workers pay and conditions, protect the vulnerable and promote Britain's role in international development. [Source]
  • 03 Jul 2017 Stiglitz on why it is America's (and our) economic interest to tackle climate change. [Source]
  • 03 Jun 2017 @JW_Watch China is signed up to Paris Agreement [Source]
  • 10 Dec 2015 Images of climate disaster victims here show why we have to deal with #climatechange #bbcqt #COP21 @COP21 @cop [Source]
  • 01 Dec 2015 As well as giving aid we can learn from developing countries too. See how #Rwanda is using solar energy #COP21 [Source]
  • 26 Nov 2015 Want to address deficit AND world security? Invest in green technology and make strong agreement at #COP21. #bbcqt [Source]
  • 24 Nov 2015 A talented Macclesfield College student put together this video for Paris Climate Conference @MaccCollegeNews #COP21 [Source]
  • 05 May 2015 Dear Green Voters, don't just "send a message" on climate change. Vote for the party that will decarbonise our electricity by 2030. #Labour [Source]
  • 30 Oct 2014 So #bbcqt have brought climate change denier Owen Patteson to Taunton. Will those hit by floods share his anti-environment views? [Source]
  • 14 Nov 2013 Great to see @stellacreasy passionately speaking out on need to tackle climate change and make better use of scarce resources #bbcqt [Source]
  • 15 Mar 2012 Why does Frank Field suppose it is that those who will be around long after him seem more bothered about need for green energy? #bbcqt [Source]

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