VoteClimate: Steve Barclay MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Steve Barclay MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Steve Barclay is the Conservative MP for North East Cambridgeshire.

We have identified 30 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2010 in which Steve Barclay could have voted.

Steve Barclay is rated Anti for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 2
  • Against: 26
  • Did not vote: 2

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Steve Barclay's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 30 Climate-Related Tweets by Steve Barclay.

  • 24 May 2024 Great to meet Mike Edwards, Director of @albenvironment and Angus Wells, Woodland & Technical Manager recently.????   I saw how the Agroforestry scheme at Barton Bendish is helping conventional farming to continue in the face of climate change, while maintaining food production. [Source]
  • 15 May 2024 We're committed to protecting and improving our food security, alongside action that safeguards our energy security.⚡️   That's why we're ensuring our agricultural land continues to be used for food production, while helping farmers invest in renewable energy on their farms.☀️ [Source]
  • 15 May 2024 This government is helping farmers expand their businesses through farming grants which will enable them to invest in rooftop solar and the generation of renewable energy on their farms.☀️ Read details of today’s announcement from @ClaireCoutinho here???????? [Source]
  • 29 Apr 2024 The importance of nature cannot be understated. ???? Here at the #G7Italy Ministers’ meeting with @AndrewBowie_MP I’ve reiterated the UK Government’s commitment to putting nature at the heart of our response to climate change. [Source]
  • 17 Dec 2023 RT @DefraGovUK: While at #COP28 @SteveBarclay visited @IGSfarm’s ReFarm, witnessing first-hand how innovation in agri-tech can increase pro… [Source]
  • 16 Dec 2023 My reflections on #COP28.   ????Nature and ???? agriculture are now at the heart of how we tackle climate change and it was great to see so much innovation around meeting this challenge.   We’ll continue to work to restore forests, recover nature and create sustainable food systems. [Source]
  • 12 Dec 2023 At #COP28 at the weekend, I visited the Tech and Innovation Hub, seeing some of the cutting-edge climate smart science solutions.   Watch this video to hear from two excellent examples of innovation, @HeroGo and @Vertical Future. ⬇ [Source]
  • 12 Dec 2023 RT @DefraGovUK: Climate smart science and technology offers solutions and shapes innovation. At the #COP28 Tech and Innovation Hub, @Stev… [Source]
  • 11 Dec 2023 Fascinating visit to @IGSfarm’s ReFarm in Dubai to see how innovation in the agriculture sector can increase productivity and benefit the environment. ⚙????   Vertical farms like this help decarbonise food production, are water efficient, and strengthen food security. [Source]
  • 10 Dec 2023 A thoughtful discussion in the UK Pavilion ????????at #Cop28 on marine protection including for mangroves and coral reefs. & enjoyed a ☕️ from @KewScience, which is working with partners on science-led solutions to grow climate-resilient coffee ???? that helps protect ???? & biodiversity. [Source]
  • 10 Dec 2023 A busy Nature Day at #COP28 yesterday & a pleasure to speak about the important role nature plays in tackling climate change.   We’re safeguarding our critically important habitats and landscapes for generations to come.   More to come today on Agriculture Day… [Source]
  • 10 Dec 2023 RT @DefraGovUK: We’re protecting the habitats of some of the world’s most endangered species ???? At #COP28, we announced new details on mea… [Source]
  • 10 Dec 2023 RT @DefraGovUK: At #COP28 we’re championing much needed action for our global ocean ???? Our flagship Blue Planet Fund will empower communi… [Source]
  • 09 Dec 2023 A busy Nature Day at #COP28 & a pleasure to speak about the important role nature plays in tackling climate change.   We’re safeguarding our critically important habitats and landscapes for generations to come.   More to come at Agriculture Day tomorrow… [Source]
  • 09 Dec 2023 RT @CEN_HQ: ???? CAMPAIGN WIN The government has announced new ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? at #COP28 to help rid our supply chains of deforest… [Source]
  • 09 Dec 2023 ????Step forward for forests. Today I announced details of measures to ensure supermarket products do not contribute to illegal deforestation. Palm oil, cocoa, beef, leather and soy are covered - helping protect species including ????, ????and ???? #Cop28 [Source]
  • 29 Nov 2023 A healthy environment is critical for our wellbeing, our economy and tackling climate change.    This accelerates our commitments to nature ahead of COP28 and will create more opportunities for people to access and enjoy nature. [Source]
  • 25 Nov 2021 Public buildings account for 2% of UK emissions, so we need to adapt government properties to meet net zero. Our Ne… [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2021 Great to hear from staff at @IKEAUK in Glasgow of their commitment to innovations for customers during #COP26, incl… [Source]
  • 02 Nov 2021 RT @COP26: Welcome to Day 2 of the #COP26 World Leaders Summit! Today world leaders will continue to share their ambitions for the summit… [Source]
  • 20 Oct 2021 RT @cabinetofficeuk: Good to see more commitments to net-zero from gov suppliers. In Sept we announced that businesses bidding for major g… [Source]
  • 20 Aug 2021 RT @KwasiKwarteng: Since 1990, the UK has decarbonised faster than any other G7 country We’ve cut emissions by 44%, but grown our economy… [Source]
  • 01 Jul 2021 RT @hmtreasury: The UK's Green Savings Bonds will let you contribute towards projects that tackle climate change, improve biodiversity & cr… [Source]
  • 20 Apr 2021 RT @KwasiKwarteng: Tomorrow, we will set the world’s most ambitious climate target into law, cutting emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1… [Source]
  • 26 Mar 2021 The COVID-19 crisis has shown we are at a historic turning point in tackling global climate change. Great to speak… [Source]
  • 21 Jan 2021 RT @BorisJohnson: President @JoeBiden rejoining the Paris Agreement is hugely positive news. In the year we host @COP26 in Glasgow, I look… [Source]
  • 19 Nov 2019 RT @Conservatives: We were the first major economy in the world to introduce a Net Zero target for emissions, meaning that our contribution… [Source]
  • 28 Jul 2016 Cambs CCG as commissioner, not CCS as a selectic provider, needs to produce a detailed site plan for each of Ely, Doddington & Wisbech [Source]
  • 01 May 2015 Green energy, a referendum on Europe & anaerobic digesters all on the agenda at the Fenland NFU hustings this week [Source]
  • 11 Feb 2014 I'm calling for crackdown on red tape for local renewable energy firms:subject to 2 Govt-backed accreditation schemes [Source]

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