19 May 2015 Jessica Toale MP (@JessicaToale) Continually struck by how important the next 7mths are: #FFD3 in #Addis in July, #SDGs Summit in #NewYork in Sept & #COP21 in #Paris in Dec [Source]
13th May 2015
13 May 2015 Matt Turmaine MP (@Turmaine) CamCon has form with #Whittingdale as Culture Sec. Weren't Owen Patterson and Michael Fallon climate change deniers at Env and Energy? [Source]
05 May 2015 Sam Rushworth MP (@SamJRushworth) Dear Green Voters, don't just "send a message" on climate change. Vote for the party that will decarbonise our electricity by 2030. #Labour [Source]