VoteClimate: Vicky Foxcroft MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Vicky Foxcroft MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Vicky Foxcroft is the Labour MP for Lewisham North.

We have identified 19 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Vicky Foxcroft could have voted.

Vicky Foxcroft is rated Very Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 17
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 2

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Vicky Foxcroft's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 14 Climate-Related Tweets by Vicky Foxcroft.

  • 18 Sep 2024 In the two weeks before recess, Labour: ????Introduced legislation to renationalise the railways ????Introduced legislation to prevent future 'Liz Truss style' budgets ????Continued to push for net zero by setting up GB Energy Just a snapshot of the difference a Labour govt can make! [Source]
  • 08 Aug 2024 Want to be part of Britain's net zero future? @Centricaplc are hiring smart meter apprentices in Lewisham. Find out more by clicking this link: #NetZeroHeroes [Source]
  • 17 Jul 2024 Bringing rail services back into public ownership✅ Reform of local planning to streamline building new houses and renewable energy infrastructure✅ A new Budget Responsibility Bill, so the OBR assesses all tax and spending announcements✅ [Source]
  • 31 Oct 2021 RT @UKLabour: Labour is serious about tackling the climate emergency. We would invest in: Electric vehicles Green spaces Warmer homes Job… [Source]
  • 14 Jul 2021 I hear a lot from young constituents who care passionately about climate change & want to see Ministers taking bold… [Source]
  • 29 Mar 2021 RT @Ed_Miliband: We cannot let COP26 come and go as a photo op for Boris Johnson. It's the best chance we've got to deliver the change we n… [Source]
  • 10 Nov 2020 RT @Keir_Starmer: We face a jobs emergency and a climate emergency. It's time for a bold and ambitious plan to deliver hundreds of thousan… [Source]
  • 21 Nov 2019 ????We will kick-start a Green Industrial Revolution to tackle the climate emergency by shifting to renewable energy,… [Source]
  • 17 Oct 2019 I used my speech in the #ClimateEmergency debate to raise some of the letters I have received from primary school c… [Source]
  • 27 Aug 2019 RT @CroftonParkLife: Meet @vickyfoxcroft at St. Saviours Church on Thurs 6.30pm 29th Aug for a discussion on climate change & what the Gove… [Source]
  • 19 Aug 2019 Join me for a discussion on climate change on Thursday 29th August 18.30-20.00 @StSavioursSE23. All interested cons… [Source]
  • 01 May 2019 Lots of people emailing about the climate change debate today. I will of course support our motion asking the Gov t… [Source]
  • 29 Apr 2019 I’m proud that under @SadiqKhan, London is a world leader in tackling climate change – but we need to urgently do m… [Source]
  • 19 Mar 2019 We are facing a climate emergency and the government need to act urgently to tackle it. I called on @claireperrymp [Source]

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