Zöe Franklin is the Liberal Democrat MP for Guildford.
We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Zöe Franklin could have voted.
Zöe Franklin is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)
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We've found 1 Parliamentary debates in which Zöe Franklin has spoken about climate-related matters.
Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.
We have a cost of living crisis and a climate emergency, and we need to invest in a future where homes are energy-efficient, affordable to heat and zero carbon. Given that the Government intend to remove winter fuel payments to pensioners, it is all the more pertinent that we insulate people’s homes from the very start to prevent them from struggling with their bills and to prevent elderly people from freezing during the winter. If we had insulated homes when they were built, as we are advocating, perhaps we would not have needed this debate. We should ensure that everyone’s home is warm. These changes would make a real difference to people’s lives by lowering energy costs, improving public health and tackling the climate crisis head-on.