Dear fabulous [Name],
Here's your September 2023 update from VoteClimate.
The new Secretary of State for Energy Security & Net Zero, Claire Coutinho, has a terrible record of voting against action on climate:
Can we urge you again to redouble your efforts to recruit more members for VoteClimate? So we can ensure the next government commits to real action on the climate emergency.
Thank you so much for all the support you've given us already. It would be amazing if we could double our numbers this month and get ahead of the curve towards our first million members.
If you're new, we're asking you, please, to recruit 2 more members in your first 30 days after joining.
Please see our Helping Out and Recruitment Resources pages.
If you see an article in the national press where VoteClimate is relevant, please find the article online and post a comment publicising VoteClimate. This is probably the most powerful way you can recruit.
We've started promoting @VoteClimate_UK on Instagram:
If you're on Instagram, please follow us and like our posts. If you're not on social media you can use our Instagram site to see our posts and share them with potential new members.
No! Where the Green Party has enough support to win seats, VoteClimate will tell people to vote for them. Where they don't, VoteClimate is no harm to them and may instead be able to force some action from mainstream parties.
VoteClimate unites votes that might otherwise get split.
@VoteClimateBot watches 24x7 for MPs tweeting about climate. It posts back their voting record, so the public and media can hold them to account.
Twitter has starting charging $100/month to access this data. Can you help help cover our new costs? Please, please Donate to VoteClimate.
We are not alone! Greenpeace has launched Operation Climate Vote which will work similarly to VoteClimate. It was nice to see some ideas we had shared included in it.
Expect their canvassers at your door and to see "I'm a Climate Voter" posters appearing in windows over the next 12 months. Please join their efforts, if you can. The more people & organisations helping voters pressure policians to take action on climate the better.
Do you have any spare hours to help us track down the Twitter accounts of around 140 MPs we haven't found yet?
Love and courage from the VoteClimate team
We're running two email lists:
You can opt out any time by replying "unsubscribe".
If you want more frequent updates please follow @VoteClimateUK on Twitter or @VoteClimate_UK on Instagram.
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