VoteClimate May 2024: Merger news; Join us at Restore Nature Now march; Privacy

VoteClimate May 2024: Merger news; Join us at Restore Nature Now march; Privacy

Dear gorgeous [Name],

Merger With The Commitment

Most exciting news: VoteClimate has joined with The Commitment, and will be continuing stronger than ever with the VoteClimate name and strategy. More details at The Commitment And VoteClimate Come Together.

We'd like to extend a hearty welcome to all the new VoteClimate members who have joined us from The Commitment. Hello!

We will continue to use the 12,000 Commitments submitted to The Commitment. They are personal, human appeals, which we take to your local politicians to persuade them to agree to take serious action on the climate and nature emergency. We would like to encourage all VoteClimate members, who haven't already done so, to Log in to your account and make a commitment. It takes 2 minutes to upload a photo or write a sentence or two.

Our Growing Team

We are welcoming an amazing set of new friends to our team: William, Peter and Bee. More details at The VoteClimate Team.

New Funding

Plus we would like to thank hugely our new donors who have transferred from The Commitment to support VoteClimate. Every penny and pound helps to spread our message: that there is hope; that together we can push the politicians to take the emergency action required to tackle the climate crisis.

Please, please donate here: Donate To VoteClimate.

Restore Nature Now! - Sat 22nd June

VoteClimate will be on the Restore Nature Now march in London on Saturday 22nd June, along with over 100 nature and climate groups. For more details and to register your interest and receive updates:

We would love as many VoteClimate members as possible to join us. It would be beautiful to meet you, share ideas and answer questions. If you want to help with banner-waving and leafleting, that would be wonderful.

If you're on social media, please follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and post support using hashtag #RestoreNatureNow.

Please Spread The Meme!

To get our politicians to sit up and take notice and then action on the climate emergency, we need the maximum number of us lobbying and chivvying them. So please forward this email to anyone and everyone who wants to force action through the ballot box.

Privacy Reminder

We're obliged to tell you that we updated our Privacy Policy on 23 March 2024. The changes are highlighted in yellow on our Privacy Policy page.

We remain 100% committed not to share your personal details without your explicit, additional consent. We've made these changes so that we can gather more Commitments to take to your local politicians to demonstrate to them the widespread, deep demand for action on the climate crisis.

If you don't like what you see in the Privacy Policy, please reply to this email and we will delete your personal details from our system.

Thank You & Bye For Now

Love and courage from the new, expanded VoteClimate team

Future Emails

We're running two email lists:

  • Monthly updates on progress and encouragement - this one
  • Minimal emails: when to vote and how, maybe twice per year

If you want more frequent updates please follow @VoteClimateUK on Twitter or @VoteClimate_UK on Instagram.

You can opt out at any time by replying "unsubscribe".

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