VoteClimate Jun 2024: Election preparations, Meet us at Restore Nature Now, Surging membership

VoteClimate Jun 2024: Election preparations, Meet us at Restore Nature Now, Surging membership

Dear [Name],


Well here it is: the moment is arriving for VoteClimate to do what it was invented for.

Now Is The Time To Recruit

There's been massive extra interest in VoteClimate and our membership is surging. We urgently need more members in your Cambridge constituency. Please, please invite your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. We estimate they're now 10 times more likely to sign up. Please send them this email.

Our pitch: unite behind the strongest vote for climate in your seat. Join us so we can let the parties know that's what you're doing.

Election Forecast

We've updated our Election Forecast: currently, Labour appear to be heading for an even larger majority than our forecast in September 2023. We'll fine-tune this before sending our voting recommendations. To see the prediction in your area please go to Cambridge. @elsif (! $subscriber->postcode) please Log in to your account and tell us your postcode!

The swing since December 2019 has been seismic, making it hard to predict which will be the most marginal seats. So every vote counts in many more seats than you might have expected.

Our Voting Recommendation

As manifestos are published, we'll analyse them to work out what the various pledges and promises will do for UK CO2e emissions. Do you know any climate scientists who can help with this?

A week or two before the election, we'll email you with our Voting Recommendations, which will be added with full reasoning in Your Account on the VoteClimate website.

People should join VoteClimate so we can deliver our voting recommendations promptly and direct to their email inbox.

Register To Vote

Time is ticking to avoid being disenfranchised, particularly young people affected by VoterID. Please see our Register To Vote page for all deadline dates and what you need to do.

Your Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs)

On each constituency page we're listing which candidates are standing and trying to track down their views on climate as expressed on Twitter and in parliament. Please go to Cambridge to see the details.

We recommend you to attend hustings and use this data to call candidates to account there and on doorsteps. And please share with others to do the same.

Restore Nature Now! Sat 22nd June

VoteClimate will be on the Restore Nature Now march in London on Saturday 22nd June, along with over 150 nature and climate groups. For more details and to register your interest and receive updates:

We would love as many VoteClimate members as possible to join us. We'd like to meet you, share ideas and answer questions. If you want to help with banner-waving and leafleting, that would be wonderful. Please contact us by replying to this email.

Nearer the time, we'll publish how to find us at the event on our Restore Nature Now March page.

Greenpeace Project Climate Vote

VoteClimate stands with Greenpeace's Project Climate Vote.

Do you have time to recruit Climate Voters in person? Then please visit Project Climate Vote - Take Action to get involved. Note: people will need to join VoteClimate in order to be told the strongest vote for climate in their seat.

Optional Membership Subscription

Any donation you can contribute at this critical moment, we will spend on maximising our campaigning over the next 4 weeks, and will have the greatest impact on our success:


Thank You & Bye For Now

With very best wishes from everyone at the VoteClimate team

Future Emails

We're running two email lists:

  • Monthly updates on progress and encouragement - this one
  • Minimal emails: when to vote and how, maybe twice per year

If you want more frequent updates please follow @VoteClimateUK on Twitter or @VoteClimate_UK on Instagram.

You can opt out at any time by replying "unsubscribe".

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