How VoteClimate Works In Different Types Of Seat

How VoteClimate Works In Different Types Of Seat

26 Feb 24

VoteClimate has launched a new more powerful option for members:

  • VoteClimate Max - Members sign up to switch away from the two main parties to a minor party with better climate policies
  • VoteClimate Basic - We continue to tell people the party with the best climate policy that can win in their seat

62% of new members sign up to VoteClimate Max.

VoteClimate Max in Different Types of Seat

If future party manifestos are similar to their current climate policies, VoteClimate is likely to recommend members vote as follows:

Seat Type VoteClimate Basic Recommendation VoteClimate Max Recommendation
Con-Lab marginal Labour Green / Climate
Con-LD marginal Lib Dem Lib Dem
Lab-LD marginal Lib Dem Lib Dem
Con safe, Lab 2nd Labour Green / Climate
Con safe, LD 2nd Lib Dem Lib Dem
Lab safe, Con 2nd Labour Green / Climate
Lab safe, LD 2nd Lib Dem Lib Dem
LD safe, Lab 2nd Lib Dem Lib Dem
LD safe, Con 2nd Lib Dem Lib Dem

These recommendations are subject to the climate policies published in party manifestos.

For members signed up to VoteClimate Max, we are likely to recommend both the Green Party and the Climate Party in seats where they are both standing.

Our recommendations in Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland will depend on regional party climate manifestos.

We'll only know which seats are marginal and which are safe closer to the election. So please Join VoteClimate so we can let you know recommendations when that time comes. We need your help to force the main parties to take the climate emergency seriously.

For our current best estimate please see Predicted Closest Two-Way Marginal Seats

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