Amanda Hack is the Labour MP for North West Leicestershire.
We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Amanda Hack could have voted.
Amanda Hack is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)
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We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Amanda Hack in the last 90 days
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When I was a member of Leicestershire county council’s environment and climate change scrutiny committee, I pushed for the water companies in Leicestershire to attend our committee, which they did—eventually—in November 2022. They gave a great presentation with some glossy pictures, but their suggestions, which looked nice on paper, simply have not materialised. My impression was that there was a severe lack of transparency and accountability among those companies about the damage that they were doing to our water system, which followed the previous Conservative Government’s unwillingness to act and push them to clear up their mess. The long-term priorities for the water companies have been shareholder and executive pay. They have been taking bonuses while polluting our waterways, and increasing debt without increasing investment.
Full debate: Water (Special Measures) Bill [Lords]