Ann Davies is the Plaid Cymru MP for Caerfyrddin.
We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Ann Davies could have voted.
Ann Davies is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)
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We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Ann Davies in the last 90 days
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Agriculture and farming play a very important part in Welsh society, not just economically but culturally and socially. Farming families are custodians of the landscape and language in Wales, with a high proportion of them living and working in the Welsh-speaking heartlands. Agriculture is devolved, but trade deals are not, and neither are taxation and food security. Agriculture is integral to the Welsh economy, employing around 58,000 people. As the climate crisis leads to more food insecurity, supporting our farmers will be key to our future food security.
Full debate: Rural Affairs
Land use is so important to this discussion. We all support green energy products. In fact, in Caerfyrddin many wind farms and energy park projects are already working their way through the planning system. Most people accept that if we want the lights kept on, this is the way forward. However, land is not infinite. Farmers like me—it is lovely to see a fellow farmer here—use it to produce food.
Full debate: Large-scale Energy Projects and Food Security