VoteClimate: Imran Hussain MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Imran Hussain MP: Climate-Related Speeches In Parliament

Imran Hussain is the Labour MP for Bradford East.

We have identified 19 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Imran Hussain could have voted.

Imran Hussain is rated Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 14
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 5

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Imran Hussain's Speeches In Parliament Related to Climate

We've found 3 Parliamentary debates in which Imran Hussain has spoken about climate-related matters.

Here are the relevant sections of their speeches.

  • 3 Jul 2023: Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill


    The Bill undermines the ability of public bodies and civic society to divest from those who are harming our environment and driving climate change. It provides the Government with unprecedented and deeply alarming powers of enforcement that curtail freedom of expression and democracy by gagging public bodies that have the audacity to speak and act on their conscience. It forces public bodies and civic society to kneel, against their own moral convictions, to the Secretary of State’s foreign policy.

    This rotten, unworkable and dangerous Bill is an alarming overreach of Government powers that breaks the UK’s international obligations and undermines efforts to protect our environment and fight climate change. It protects human rights abusers in countless nations and gags democratically elected local representatives. We cannot pick and choose which human rights abuses to act on and which to turn a blind eye to. Let me be clear: human rights are a universal obligation and a universal right. It is time the UK Government accepted that. I will therefore be standing up, as I always have done, for democracy, for our environment and for human rights by voting for today’s amendment that will reject the Bill.


  • 24 Feb 2021: Post Covid-19 Economic Recovery: Climate Action

    What steps the Government are taking to promote (a) climate action and (b) a green recovery from the covid-19 pandemic ahead of COP26. ( 912530 )


    Public transport is one of the cleanest modes of transport we have, as it helps to get thousands of carbon-emitting vehicles off our roads, but our public transport infrastructure, particularly rail, is woefully outdated in the north of England and simply not fit for purpose. Will the right hon. Gentleman therefore back my calls for the northern powerhouse rail scheme to be built in full, including a Bradford city centre station, to prove that we are taking this climate emergency seriously by getting more people on to public transport and more cars off our roads in the north and by providing good, green, sustainable jobs?


  • 19 Nov 2015: Oral Answers to Questions

    11. What discussions she has had with the Secretary of State for International Development on preparations for the Paris climate conference in December 2015. ( 902230 )


    It is vital that we reach a binding agreement on tackling climate change in December, and I, too, welcome the Secretary of State’s announcement about closing coal-fired power stations by 2025, as it sets a strong example to other countries. Will she go further, though, and state what percentage cut in emissions by 2030 she is pushing for?


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