VoteClimate: Imran Hussain MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Imran Hussain MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Imran Hussain is the Labour MP for Bradford East.

We have identified 19 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Imran Hussain could have voted.

Imran Hussain is rated Good for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 14
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 5

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Imran Hussain's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 48 Climate-Related Tweets by Imran Hussain.

  • 14 May 2024 5. ⁠Bake in legal protections and opportunities for redress for consumers as home retrofit schemes grow in the goal to reach Net Zero. [Source]
  • 24 Apr 2024 Saddened to hear of the death of Frank Field. Whilst we didn't always share the same views, it's impossible not to note his relentless determination and drive to fight against poverty and climate change. [Source]
  • 19 Jan 2024 There are ways to enable a just transition towards clean, green energy. Rejecting union plans, offering no serious alternative, and cutting thousands of job is not a just transition. #TataSteel [Source]
  • 05 Jan 2024 The Energy Minister who signed the Net Zero pledge into law is the second Conservative figure to resign in protest of Rishi Sunak's chaotic climate decisions. Sunak hasn't just abandoned decades-long climate consensus, he's actively destroyed it. We need a General Election now! [Source]
  • 05 Dec 2023 Rishi Sunak is hoping we don't draw attention to the Government's international commitment of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 68% by 2030. Even in the most optimistic scenario, the UK will miss that target. We cannot trust the Tories with our planet. [Source]
  • 07 Nov 2023 This Tory #KingsSpeech made no attempt to meet the challenge the country is facing. Climate crisis? NHS crisis? Housing crisis? We don’t need more oil fields, vague workforce proposals and weak reforms. We need change. [Source]
  • 24 Sep 2023 RT @LucyMPowell: Rishi Sunak’s net zero & other short term policy shifts are acts of weakness from a desperate PM. Dodging scrutiny, disr… [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 Today, Rishi Sunak hunkered down with his Cabinet to find a way to sell out the UK's #NetZero commitments. You can't trust a Tory Prime Minister with the climate. You certainly can't trust them with our future. [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 Rishi Sunak, who hasn't won a single leadership election, never mind a General Election, worries about climate change policies not having the consent of the British people. Does he need reminding that #NetZero policies enjoy broad public support? [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 "You don't reach net zero just by wishing it" - Rishi Sunak You don't avoid the consequences of climate change by putting your fingers in your ears, either. [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 RT @Ed_Miliband: Rishi Sunak's panicked net zero speech is crumbling in the face of opposition from industry, the public, and his own MPs.… [Source]
  • 15 Sep 2023 A modern, sustainable economy that's competitive in the 21st century needs a strong steel industry & the expertise of our steelworkers. So there's no excuse for not consulting them when it's their jobs at risk & when they'll know more about decarbonising steel than any Minister. [Source]
  • 12 Aug 2023 Climate breakdown is the test of our generation. But whilst big polluters face zero accountability, it is the poorest and most vulnerable people across the world bearing the consequences. We need wide, systemic change. [Source]
  • 31 Jul 2023 Organisations in Bradford can now apply for grants of £5,000 - £50,000 for community proposals to achieve #NetZero, focusing on: ???? Energy ????️ Buildings ???? Transport ???? Nature [Source]
  • 20 Jul 2023 The UN has said that climate change is out of control, after the hottest seven days on record. The Tories are, to quote their own Minister for the Environment who quit a few weeks ago, 'simply uninterested'. The planet and its people deserve better. [Source]
  • 28 Mar 2023 As set out by @Ed_Miliband, @UKLabour will take the ambitious action needed to tackle the climate crisis and unlock… [Source]
  • 14 Jan 2023 For all his talk of climate leadership, Sunak consistently puts his own personal convenience before the planet. [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2022 As #COP27 begins today, we need a Government that will put tackling the climate crisis at the forefront of everythi… [Source]
  • 04 Nov 2022 Rishi Sunak's lack of leadership over COP27 has made us an international laughing stock. We should be at the foref… [Source]
  • 28 Oct 2022 As the UN warns about the disastrous fallout of the climate crisis, we need a Prime Minister that puts the environm… [Source]
  • 26 Oct 2022 Whilst the Tories bring back fracking in England, Labour in Wales is taking the lead on tackling the climate crisis… [Source]
  • 10 Oct 2022 The Tory solution to our energy crisis is to ban new investment in renewable energy. They're making us more depend… [Source]
  • 30 Sep 2022 The rise in extreme weather events across the globe shows the urgency in tackling the climate emergency. Labour wi… [Source]
  • 29 Sep 2022 As the Tories trash our economy, @UKLabour offer people hope by: ⚡ Creating a public energy company ???? Decarbonisin… [Source]
  • 14 Aug 2022 We face extreme heat caused by a climate crisis and an out of control cost-of-living crisis. Liz Truss's solution… [Source]
  • 07 Aug 2022 The impacts of severe weather caused by the climate crisis can be felt all around us. It's not just the boiling tem… [Source]
  • 01 Aug 2022 The impacts of the climate crisis is here for us all to see. Yet the Conservative Party still plays around with del… [Source]
  • 19 Jul 2022 You'd think with this week's extreme weather, everyone in Britain would support strong action on the climate emerge… [Source]
  • 18 Jul 2022 Conservative MPs tell us that we can't afford to take action on climate change, saying it would "bankrupt" the coun… [Source]
  • 13 Jul 2022 As the weather reaches a level of record heat, Tory leadership contenders are lining up to trash their own Net Zero… [Source]
  • 19 Feb 2022 The ONS has revealed the UK’s low-carbon and renewable energy economy has seen "no significant change" since 2014.… [Source]
  • 12 Dec 2021 RT @LouHaigh: This Government has no plan to deliver a rail network fit for this century. And no plan to get to net zero. The consequenc… [Source]
  • 27 Oct 2021 Hosting the #COP26 climate change conference ???? Cutting air passenger duty on carbon-emitting domestic flights dur… [Source]
  • 27 Oct 2021 RT @TanDhesi: With #COP26 imminent, #Budget2021 needed to show leadership on green, carbon-neutral transport infrastructure, including #rai… [Source]
  • 17 Sep 2021 RT @UKLabour: ???? Meet your new Cabinet ???? Dodgy contracts, climate change deniers, out for themselves... [Source]
  • 10 Nov 2020 RT @labourpress: ???? We face a jobs emergency and a climate emergency. We need bold and ambitious action from the Government to deliver hun… [Source]
  • 14 Feb 2020 RT @RichardBurgon: As Deputy Leader, I'll ensure the Labour Party plays a lead role in campaigning to stop catastrophic climate change. We… [Source]
  • 07 Dec 2019 RT @AndyMcDonaldMP: I am proud that Labour's plans have been scored better than all other parties on climate change, including the Greens.… [Source]
  • 28 Nov 2019 RT @RichardBurgon: Jeremy is the real deal. When he arrived tonight for the climate debate Johnson avoided, Jeremy talked with people abou… [Source]
  • 28 Nov 2019 RT @UKLabour: We are facing a climate emergency and Labour has a plan ✔️Targets for carbon sequestration ✔️Clean Air Act ✔️Emergency Envir… [Source]
  • 21 Nov 2019 RT @UKLabour: Check out our ????Radical ✅Hopeful ????‍⚕️NHS saving ????Climate emergency tackling ???? Environment protecting ???? Poverty ending ????‍????????‍♀️… [Source]
  • 09 Oct 2019 RT @UKLabour: Labour takes the #ClimateEmergency seriously. It’s time for a Green Industrial Revolution. We'll increase UK offshore wind po… [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2019 RT @jeremycorbyn: Young people and workers are coming out to say enough is enough. I’m proud to be joining London’s largest climate crisis… [Source]
  • 26 Jun 2019 Earlier today I met with the delegation from Bradford at the huge #TheTimeIsNow climate change demonstration in par… [Source]
  • 02 May 2019 RT @jeremycorbyn: Labour has just forced the UK Parliament to declare a #ClimateEmergency. Real politics comes from the ground up, and tha… [Source]
  • 01 May 2019 RT @RichardBurgon: History will show Jeremy’s speech arguing our Parliament should be the first in the world to declare a climate emergency… [Source]
  • 26 Apr 2019 RT @DanCardenMP: The climate catastrophe is a result of greed-is-good neoliberalism & deregulated financial capitalism. We need action by t… [Source]
  • 04 Apr 2019 RT @RichardBurgon: Climate change is the greatest ever market failure. It is driven by capitalism’s endless thirst for profits, whatever th… [Source]

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