VoteClimate: Nick Timothy MP: Climate Timeline

Nick Timothy MP: Climate Timeline

Nick Timothy is the Conservative MP for West Suffolk.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Nick Timothy could have voted.

Nick Timothy is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Nick Timothy's Climate-related Tweets, Speeches & Votes

We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Nick Timothy in the last 90 days

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  • 12 Feb 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    The challenge of fuel poverty affects people of all ages throughout the country. Rather than just creating new benefits and schemes to address the high cost of fuel, we need to resolve the root causes of energy costs more generally. Here, the Government are taking the country in a very worrying direction. The Energy Secretary promises to decarbonise the grid by 2030, and the Business Secretary wants to ban petrol and diesel cars by the same year. Tough standards on aviation fuel are being enforced; heat pumps are expected to replace gas boilers; expensive and intermittent renewable technologies funded by huge and hidden subsidies are favoured; and oil and gas fields in the North sea are abandoned, left for the Norwegians to profit from what we choose to ignore.

    The Energy Secretary has made much of the National Energy System Operator’s report on decarbonising the grid. He says that report shows that he can do so by 2030 without increasing bills, but in fact the report does not say that—and even then, its calculations rest on a carbon price that will rise to £147 per tonne of carbon dioxide. It is no wonder that, in reply to a question I asked him last week, the Energy Secretary would not rule out having a higher carbon price in Britain than in Europe. That will be terrible for families struggling with the cost of heating their home, but it will hurt them—and indeed all of us—in other ways. As long as policy runs faster than technology and other countries do not follow our lead on climate change, decarbonisation will inevitably mean deindustrialisation. That will mean a weaker economy with lower growth, fewer jobs, and less spending power to help those who we have been discussing today—those who need support the most.

    Of course, it is not just the NESO report that shows us the future consequences of the Government’s policies. The OBR says that environmental levies will reach up to £15 billion by the end of this Parliament to pay for net zero policies. As those levies will fall heavily on consumption, they will have a particularly regressive effect, as analysis from the Institute for Fiscal Studies and Cornwall Insight has confirmed. It is therefore no wonder that Labour’s election promise to cut bills by £300 by the end of the Parliament has vanished without trace, so I challenge the Minister today to do what she has not done since polling day—repeat that promise very clearly. I suspect she will not because, unlike the Secretary of State, she knows the reality of his policies. The Government are adding complexity and contradiction to our energy system and loading extra costs on to families across the country. There is still time for Ministers to think again and put the interests of decent, hard-working people ahead of the Energy Secretary’s ideological dogma.

    Full debate: Fuel Poverty: England

  • 12 Feb 2025: Tweet

    As long as Ed Miliband tries to make policy run faster than technology, and other countries do not follow Britain’s lead on climate change, decarbonisation will inevitably mean deindustrialisation. And that will leave us all poorer. My speech today. [Source]
  • 11 Feb 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    As the current Government continue down the ideological decarbonisation route, led by the Secretary of State, we will watch carefully in order to protect the families and businesses who bear the cost of unrealistic clean energy targets. Indeed, experts expect the energy price cap to rise next month. The Manchester-based— not Aberdeen-based—head of GB Energy, Juergen Maier, says it will be

    We support the regulations. We recognise their role in winding down the old schemes, but we remain vigilant about new policies that will surely make lives harder and more expensive because of the unattainable and self-harming decarbonisation goals that the Government are pursuing.

    Full debate: Draft Energy Bill Relief Scheme and Energy Bills Discount Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2024

  • 4 Feb 2025: Parliamentary Speech

    The Government policy to decarbonise the grid by 2030 rests on the National Energy System Operator’s assumption of a £147 per tonne carbon price, but manufacturers are lining up to tell the Energy Secretary that it would destroy British industry. Will he guarantee today that for the remainder of this Parliament, we will have a lower carbon price than Europe?

    Full debate: Oral Answers to Questions

  • 04 Feb 2025: Tweet

    Today I challenged Ed Miliband to guarantee that the British carbon price would remain lower than the European price for the remainder of this parliament. He refused. The carbon price set out in his plan to decarbonise the grid will destroy British industry. [Source]
  • 31 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Since the Chancellor’s “growth speech” on Wednesday, there has been radio silence from Ed Miliband. Not a word from him on Heathrow expansion. The loudest cheerleader for net zero seems to have lost his voice. But here’s what he used to say. [Source]
  • 28 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Yesterday Britain's energy intensive industries told the Industry Minister that they "will not be able to bear" the carbon price assumptions in the NESO report on decarbonising the grid by 2030. [Source]
  • 28 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Ed Miliband’s plan to decarbonise the grid by 2030 is based on increasing the carbon price to £147 per tonne of carbon dioxide emitted. As I said in my speech last night, that would mean the destruction of industry in this country (1/4). [Source]
  • 25 Jan 2025: Tweet

    The idea that anybody takes this seriously when they are re-regulating the labour market, destroying British oil and gas, increasing NICs, equalising the minimum wage for young people, trying to decarbonise the grid in five years, and importing fiscally negative migrants is mad. [Source]
  • 22 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Behold the socialist logic that drives our suicidal energy policies. Chris Stark, put in charge of decarbonising the Grid by Ed Miliband, says data centres vital for AI must be located not where it suits business, or where tech workers are, but where it suits the Grid (1/6). [Source]
  • 16 Jan 2025: Tweet

    His statement relates specifically to the NESO assumption that the carbon price will rise to an incredible £147t/CO2 by 2030. If he won’t endorse that assumption how can he possibly use the report to justify his policies? [Source]
  • 16 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Extraordinary from Miliband in reply to @BradleyThomasUK yesterday. Miliband uses the NESO report to justify his claim he can decarbonise the Grid and also cut bills - not that the report says that - but in the same breath he disowns the basis of its calculation (1/2). [Source]
  • 16 Jan 2025: Tweet

    As long as the policy runs faster than the technology, and our energy costs are higher as a result than elsewhere, decarbonisation will unavoidably mean deindustrialisation. [Source]
  • 12 Jan 2025: Tweet

    RT @RobertJenrick: Why is Ed Miliband hiding the true cost of renewable energy? [Source]
  • 06 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Miliband’s net zero zealotry means he is forcing policy to move faster than technology allows. He claims his policies improve energy security when the opposite is true - just as he says prices will fall when thanks to him they will rise. [Source]
  • 06 Jan 2025: Tweet

    The Government says “interconnectors will play an important role in the import and export of electricity to help us manage the peaks and troughs in our renewable energy generation.” [Source]
  • 06 Jan 2025: Tweet

    Electricity imports accounted for 16pc of our power in the first 9 months of 2024, and reached 19pc in June. Labour’s plan to decarbonise the Grid by 2030, and reluctance to develop new domestic nuclear capacity or exploit our gas reserves, means we we’ll depend more on imports. [Source]
  • 30 Dec 2024: Tweet

    Britain is suffering from progressive exceptionalism: the idea that we are uniquely sinful, and must atone by letting other cultures trump our own, accepting mass immigration, and destroying our industry through net zero unilateralism. My column today: [Source]
  • 05 Dec 2024: Tweet

    ????Climbdown alert!???? Starmer has gone from promising to decarbonise the grid 100% by 2030 to a new 95% target. Maybe he’s beginning to understand the dangers of the man he made Energy Secretary. They don’t end here. [Source]

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