Richard Burgon is the Labour MP for Leeds East.
We have identified 19 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2015 in which Richard Burgon could have voted.
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We've found the following climate-related tweets, speeches & votes by Richard Burgon in the last 90 days
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On the wider points of the debate, I mentioned the obscene, eye-watering profits from these energy companies. They are the same energy companies, by the way, that have pushed our bills up and pushed us towards climate catastrophe.
Full debate: Fuel Poverty: England
While the far right and shamefully even some MPs in this House are busy denying climate change and trying to turn it into the latest culture war, people in our communities are paying the price. More and more severe floods are devastating people’s lives, as we have seen again in recent weeks, and I am afraid it will only get worse. Does the Minister agree that it is an absolute disgrace that the last Government left our flood defences in the worst state on record, and that fixing that has to be a national priority and a key part of preparing for climate change?
Full debate: Flood Protection Funding