VoteClimate: Sorcha-Lucy Eastwood MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Sorcha-Lucy Eastwood MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Sorcha-Lucy Eastwood is the Alliance MP for Lagan Valley.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Sorcha-Lucy Eastwood could have voted.

Sorcha-Lucy Eastwood is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Sorcha-Lucy Eastwood's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 45 Climate-Related Tweets by Sorcha-Lucy Eastwood.

  • 23 Aug 2024 @sara_endipidy Yes, I'm well aware having sat on the Economy cttee at the Assembly- the point still stands. Also, the UR here needs to have a lot of their own remit refreshed and changed and actually NI is well behind in terms of green energy. A LOT of work needs done [Source]
  • 23 Aug 2024 Head of Ofgem speaking this morning on 10% price cap increase- says its so companies can recover costs & "make a small profit".. Many energy companies are making record profits, not small, humble sums- Time for a Windfall Tax to fund clean, green energy & create jobs [Source]
  • 25 Jul 2024 A warm home is essential for all, but when you are living with a health condition, it becomes life or death. Clean, renewable energy will be a huge part of stability & lowering energy prices & I look forward to exploring how GB Energy can play a role in lowering NI energy bills [Source]
  • 11 Jun 2024 RT @allianceparty: .@SorchaEastwood: "It is essential that, as we push to transition to renewable energy and retrofitting our housing, we d… [Source]
  • 10 Apr 2024 We are prioritising a number of areas, including health & social care, childcare & early years, manufacturing, utilities and work that supports achieving net zero. Our first sessions will look at social care, an area where we need more people, we also need to support them. [Source]
  • 10 Apr 2024 Tomorrow, the All Party Group on Skills launches. We all need skilled people- there is no such thing as unskilled work. We need to grip this issue if we are to support work in critical social infrastructure, have a thriving economy & meet climate targets. 1/ [Source]
  • 02 Jan 2024 We need to leave behind the idea that growth must be forever as it isn't and it can't be. We have to realise that climate change is happening now and impacting in many ways, and that the old disaster capitalism model isn't working 13/ [Source]
  • 01 Nov 2023 To meet the challenges of climate change we absolutely need a restored Executive. Climate change isn't something that happens elsewhere; it is on our doorstep & for those saying rivers burst their banks all the time, yes they do-But speed and volume of this rain is something else [Source]
  • 25 Sep 2023 We heard so much the other week about investing in NI. Well, without a thriving FE sector it will be impossible to reach our goals when it comes to productivity, addressing climate crisis and creating & filling the green new jobs of the future.We must invest & value our FE sector [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2023 Conservatives seem keen on another Thatcherite gutting of communities & UK at large as they slam brakes on net zero. This is a chance for an ambitious, new & clean industrial revolution, but they have a fetish for coal & Dickensian living standards hurting our poorest. Shameful. [Source]
  • 31 Jul 2023 Seems to be an area where a number of people with similar interests converge. It tends to be: Trump was robbed Climate change is a hoax Farage is just a concerned citizen Don't tax the mega rich as I too might be rich some day Brexit was our finest hour Small boat obsession???? [Source]
  • 31 Jul 2023 @philmccarroll How would you describe it? A slight issue with climate? Don't take my word for it because I'm not a scientist, but all of the experts who've spent, yanno, a lifetime at this agree that there is v much a climate emergency. Unless of course that's too hyperbolic... [Source]
  • 29 Jun 2023 We have a chance to create better jobs for the future to help us tackle climate crisis- jobs that are stable & pay a good wage. But we aren't joining this up to give ppl the skills to do those jobs. All age apprenticeships are also in jeopardy- we can't let NI fall further behind [Source]
  • 12 Mar 2023 Watching #FYI "Kids question Keir Starmer" and two brilliant young people from NI on so far with fantastic questions- Olivia from Lurgan & Mimi from Portadown asking questions about climate crisis & cost of living- doing NI proud! [Source]
  • 20 Jan 2023 NI in recession, public services crumbling, we need to think strategically about our economy, education system, climate goals, support biz-division costs our segregated society a billion at least, our productivity levels are on the floor- we need a shared, green future & an Exec [Source]
  • 29 Dec 2022 Lastly, we need to grapple with a largely ageing & often generally unwell population, as well as climate crisis & economic stagnation. Future solutions will address all, not just one. It can be done, but it requires new thinking & genuine collaboration. Time has run out. [Source]
  • 29 Dec 2022 Housing- we need more social & affordable houses that house ppl safely & provide stability for them- it helps us address climate crisis & energy problems. Create green new apprenticeships & jobs to build these homes- creating work & greener homes, healthier lives for ppl 8/ [Source]
  • 11 Nov 2022 Great to meet with Ballantine Buildings Solutions who specialise in ICF/Integra spec bricks and building. These bricks could revolutionise construction, help to tackle climate crisis & create apprenticeship & job opportunities- I'll do all I can to support them #SupportNIBusiness [Source]
  • 08 Nov 2022 Great to chat to @U105radio on NIAC report, skills & issues around Apprenticeship Levy reform, something I've raised for long time and discussion around HE. FE is also key to economic growth as well as ensuring the skills are there for green jobs of tomorrow that we need #COP27 [Source]
  • 25 Oct 2022 Great to visit Coca-Cola HBC in Lisburn! I'm passionate about supporting our manufacturing sector & we've one of the best manufacturers in the world in Lagan Valley! I look forward to continuing to support CCHBC to play a constructive & positive role in tackling climate crisis [Source]
  • 16 Oct 2022 This idea perpetuated by the tories that growth is predicated on letting big biz pay no tax,deregulation of everything is an old, failing model. The strong economy of the future will value ppl; inclusive ppl policies, a circular economy tackling climate crisis & social inequality [Source]
  • 31 Aug 2022 So we didn't fix the hole in the roof when the "sun was shining" or even insulate more homes. The antecedents of what is causing hardship & misery to many are found in at least a decade of austerity, punitive welfare & ignoring climate crisis.All exacerbated by external factors [Source]
  • 02 Feb 2022 I could definitely improve my contribution to net zero my quitting fast fashion. I picked up this vintage blouse from Asda recycling range- I am in love with the daft shoulder pads ???? 90s eat your heart out ???? #EndFastFashion #NetZero excuse my tired face ???? [Source]
  • 06 Nov 2021 Took part in the COP 26 rally this afternoon! Absolutely brilliant speech from the platform by my friend & colleague @EoinTennyson really proud of him! ♻️ ???????? So important that we all pull together across the globe to push for climate, social & economic justice ✊ #COP26Action [Source]
  • 27 Oct 2021 Cuts in sparkling wine, climate emergency not mentioned, some of lowest paid paying more tax than PM himself. Tinkering around the edges with UC will not benefit those who need it most. This was a champagne budget for a cabinet of millionaires who don't live in the real world [Source]
  • 30 Apr 2021 According to Paul Givan, Poots wants to "build a shared society" & respects diversity. Must have missed that when Paul scrapped Liofa, Edwin's gay blood ban, a woman's first priority being in the home, climate crisis denial, supporting conversion therapy & this hot mess below???? [Source]
  • 25 Mar 2021 @brendanjharkin @eoinyk Exactly. Thus increasing the climate crisis and also just CREATING ETERNAL TOXIC WASTE IS A BAD IDEA. I mean honestly like. And I only have a C in single award ???? [Source]
  • 28 Jan 2021 Attending #WellbeingWeek @FuturesAPPG on behalf of @StephenFarryMP & met inspirational young ambassadors @allianceparty are supportive of safeguarding rights of #futuregenerations we are fully behind you in fight against climate change & protecting planet for future generations???? [Source]
  • 28 Jan 2021 @FuturesAPPG @StephenFarryMP @allianceparty Thank you for having us! You are such an inspiration and we are fully behind you in the fight against climate change and protecting the planet for future generations ???? [Source]
  • 27 Aug 2020 People of Lagan Valley, know that I will never ally myself to a man who is a climate change denier, signed a bill that made it ok to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people in his state & who blocked resettlement of refugees in his state. If I did, what would that say about me? ???? [Source]
  • 24 Jul 2020 Felt compelled to speak on @BBCTalkback about Edwin Poots as Environment Minister being disingenuous but also irresponsible by denying climate crisis. This DUP language. We need a minister who is serious about tackling climate change- not one who is in denial & dragging his feet [Source]
  • 23 Jul 2020 Edwin Poots & I are both in same constituency of Lagan Valley and I have heard the same incorrect remarks on climate change denial from his colleagues locally. I would contend that his insistence on "vetoing" the use of language such as "crisis" emanates from DUP, not NICS. [Source]
  • 17 Jul 2020 Good to be on @BBCTalkback abt litter louts ❌ need to protect our env & wildlife, importance of pollinators ???? & need for everyone to be able to enjoy our green spaces- responsibly! We only have one ???? we need urgent action now on climate crisis #climatejustice #UppaBees ???? [Source]
  • 16 Jul 2020 North South Ministerial Council is more important than ever- the huge challenges we face; pandemics, brexit,trade & climate crisis are borderless,so its essential that on our shared island we work together on the many areas of cooperation that we have to make life better for all [Source]
  • 08 Jul 2020 Still poring over #minibudget and Green New Deal it ain't. Tackling climate crisis is about more than insulation. Nothing in there either about green Apprenticeships or encouraging innovation, green jobs. This could actually accelerate some problems #ChancellorsStatement [Source]
  • 02 Jul 2020 What's infuriating about situation with Cummings & O'Neill is that instead of discussing & engaging on mental health, Brexit, societal rebuilds after covid & climate change, time is wasted by those who think they are the elite. We're here to serve people- not the other way round [Source]
  • 29 Jun 2020 That being said, the biggest challenges of this generation are borderless; climate change, pandemics, economic shocks. It makes complete sense to engage on all-island basis on these issues. Indeed brexit has also ushered in a new & pressing need to ensure ongoing alignment [Source]
  • 24 Jun 2020 Although the world is currently battling with covid, another enemy is at the gates and starting fires- literally. Climate change is here, is real and we need to radically alter how we do business, how we live. We must build back better & build back green #ClimateAction [Source]
  • 21 Jun 2020 And people still aren't acting fast enough to tackle the climate crisis because?..... [Source]
  • 05 Jun 2020 ????World Environment Day ???? This world environment day, I rededicate myself to do all I can to tackle our climate emergency & make sure we protect nature & leave the earth fit for future generations instead of destroying it????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????☀️????????h [Source]
  • 23 Nov 2019 I've taken @friends_earth's #ClimateActionPledge. If elected I'll put the climate first when I vote in parliament. We're in a #ClimateEmergency and must rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions for a greener and fairer society. #ClimateElection [Source]
  • 20 Nov 2019 @sricers Priorities are securing a People's Vote, health, education, domestic abuse bill, climate change & environmental protections to name a few [Source]
  • 05 Nov 2019 @divedivajade @LVAlliance @smartin123 @paul_CPSU @AllianceLCCC @mghenderson @AaronMcIntyre_ @plavery10 @EoinTennyson @allianceparty @AldermanAGrehan Hi Jade, apologies for the late reply. As a party, we're very much committed to tackling climate change and addressing the climate emergency, we're currently putting our manifesto for #GE19 together, but rest assured, urgent and real action is needed and we will deliver it [Source]
  • 04 Nov 2019 Fantastic meeting with Sam, Hannah & Sienna from NI Schools Climate Network- extremely talented & articulate young people from Lagan Valley who care deeply about climate change. If you want an MP who cares about our climate & what we leave for future generations #VoteEastwood [Source]
  • 20 Sep 2019 A few weeks ago, some people declared there was no climate emergency; that it was overreaction. I'm so glad all these young people disagree! We need to act YESTERDAY to turn this around.Proud of these young people demonstrating responsible & civic leadership #YouthStrike4Climate [Source]

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