VoteClimate: Torcuil Crichton MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Torcuil Crichton MP: Climate-Related Tweets

Torcuil Crichton is the Labour MP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar.

We have identified 0 Parliamentary Votes Related to Climate since 2024 in which Torcuil Crichton could have voted.

Torcuil Crichton is rated n/a for votes supporting action on climate. (Rating Methodology)

  • In favour of action on climate: 0
  • Against: 0
  • Did not vote: 0

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Torcuil Crichton's Tweets Related to Climate

We've found 25 Climate-Related Tweets by Torcuil Crichton.

  • 29 Mar 2023 Why is there no Cabinet Secretary for Transport in the new Scottish cabinet? Previously there was a Minister for ‘Net Zero, Energy & Transport’ now the Transport title has gone from any brief. Is it because its just embarrassing? [Source]
  • 28 Oct 2022 33mm of rain in 3 hours this morning on South Uist, unprecedented flooding on an island that knows climate change is real - get ye to Cop27 @RishiSunak . [Source]
  • 13 Nov 2021 “Notes with concern” the lack of finance to fight climate change …latest Cop26 draft is out [Source]
  • 10 Nov 2021 Inside the green zone at cop26- a good humoured demo by delegates it looks like [Source]
  • 11 Oct 2021 Climate change demo outside Downing Street [Source]
  • 01 Apr 2020 First they came for the rail the end of the this we'll be booking flights on airlines. That is if we opt to carry on taking environmentally unfriendly holidays and business trips. After this crisis the climate crisis has to be looked at too [Source]
  • 30 Mar 2020 SECC in Glasgow, due to be venue for COP26 climate change conference, will be turned into a temporary hospital with 300 additional beds and potential capacity for 1000, FM confirms. Not needed right now says @NicolaSturgeon but sensible to prepare. [Source]
  • 10 Mar 2020 Peace in our time. Scottish government climbdown in flag-flying row with the UK Gov over using Glasgow science centre as the base for Cop26 UN climate change conference. @andydphilip has the story: [Source]
  • 13 Feb 2020 Alok Sharma MP to Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. He will also be Minister for COP26. People say he doesn't know anything about environment. More importantly he doesn't know the first thing about how the SNP operate and the turf war over Glasgow conf. is far from over. [Source]
  • 04 Feb 2020 Sturgeon steps in to try and douse a forest fire of a row between ScotGov & UKgov over climate change conference and her part in it. Johnson said to have rejected giving FM a role with some "salty language". [Source]
  • 04 Feb 2020 @NicolaSturgeon Sacked climate adviser Claire O Neill adds Glasgow "city council amazing" but in the "playground politics" between Johnson & UK Sturgeon she claims "Scottish gov behaved disgracefully, for ex, contracting buildings that are on the Cop site that should be available to conference" [Source]
  • 04 Feb 2020 Claire O'Neill blows lid off toxic stand-off between UK and Scot gov over COP26 Climate summit.Says Johnson considered moving Nov conference from Glasgow because of lack of co-operation. Her suggestion that @NicolaSturgeon be offered a role dismissed by PM with "salty language". [Source]
  • 13 Jan 2020 "By participating so eagerly in the mining boom, Australia might also have been helping to dig its own grave. Fossil fuels are driving climate change, a major factor behind the fires, water shortages and record temperatures that are ravaging the country." [Source]
  • 28 Nov 2019 Adam Price just won the climate change debate - he's going to move to washable nappies for his baby - and wash them, he promised! [Source]
  • 23 Sep 2019 Wow, Ireland not to issue new oil exploration licences. Irish reserves small (maybe 2 bn barrels) compared to North Sea (maybe 20 bn). But climate crisis will start being taken seriously when mantra changes from "It's Scotland's oil" to "leave it in the ground" [Source]
  • 01 May 2019 To tackle climate change we have to get serious about the sentiments of this speech. Chasing ever-rising GDP figures guarantees we'll burn the planet. A wellbeing measure sounds airy fairy but proper housing, green spaces and working less are good for env & reducing inequality [Source]
  • 08 Mar 2019 Labour going green - Corbyn talking about climate change as a working class issue. McDonnell to major on that too, citing school strikers. [Source]
  • 13 Jul 2018 @LangBanks @dpcarrington Presume that excludes peat, Lang, which if I remember vaguely, the Irish government managed to get off the list of fossil fuels at the Copenhagen climate change summit in 2009? [Source]
  • 06 Jul 2018 Ha, @NicolaSturgeon just took a swipe at @realDonaldTrump over climate change and his opposition to wind turbines off coast of his Aberdeen golf course "These wind turbines just generated 1st electricity, soon they will be generating enough for almost 3/4 of homes in Aberdeen" [Source]
  • 24 Jan 2018 Energy Minister @claireperrymp told MPs at Scottish Q that remote islands invited to bid for the next £560 million auction for renewable energy projects. Funding for subsea cables for Lewis, Orkney and Shetland if they can get their applications in order [Source]
  • 10 Jun 2015 Angus MacNeil, SNP MP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, to chair Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee. He was sole nominee. [Source]
  • 04 Jun 2015 I hear name of @AngusMacNeilSNP for chair of energy and climate change committee. If so, item 1, point 1 - Western Isles interconnecter [Source]
  • 30 Oct 2012 No, Ch4 news has a Dr Noah commenting on climate change [Source]
  • 14 Dec 2009 Looked at getting the train to Copenhagen climate change summit - £350 and 16 hours. Flight from Stansted, £89 and 90 minutes. [Source]
  • 27 Apr 2009 Climate change protesters chain themselves to Commons statue. See [Source]

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