28 Mar 2019 Harpreet Uppal MP (@harpreetkuppal) Really good first meeting of the #Kirklees #ClimateEmergency working group today chaired by @rmurgatroyd1. Looking forward to working with members, officers and the wider community on a sustainable action plan. [Source]
28 Mar 2019 Cat Smith MP (@CatSmithMP) Excellent speech from @justinmadders who reminded us that climate change is the catastrophe going on around us right now and we cannot delay in addressing this. Fracking must be dumped and renewables supported. [Source]
28 Mar 2019 Cat Smith MP (@CatSmithMP) And @ThangamMP now on her feet highlighting the lead Bristol has taken in declaring a climate emergency. If there was more time I’d tell her Labour run Lancaster City Council has also done the same. [Source]
27 Mar 2019 Mike Wood MP (@mikejwood) Margaret Thatcher was one of the first world leaders to raise the issue of man-made climate change. Today I reminded the Prime Minister of this fact and also asked her for an update on the progress made by this government to tackle greenhouse gases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlB5rivfnGs&feature=youtu.be [Source]
23 Mar 2019 Valerie Vaz MP (@Valerie_VazMP) RT @UKLabour: REVEALED: Tory fracking plans will release the same amount of CO2 emissions as 300 million cars – which completely obliterate… [Source]
23 Mar 2019 Max Wilkinson MP (@mpmwilko) Today is mostly about the #PeopesVoteMarch, but I was delighted to get this email from a #Cheltenham school pupil who took part in the recent climate strikes and wants to support Cheltenham’s declaration of a climate emergency. Well done Eve! Keep up the good work https://twitter.com/mpmwilko/status/1109409150184902657/photo/1 [Source]
19 Mar 2019 Will Forster MP (@WillForster) Frustratingly, Tories on @SurreyCouncil refuse to declare a #ClimateEmergency. We shouldn't be surprised as their party and their Government have dropped the ball on the environment - the prime example being they recently scrapped the Department for Energy and Climate Change! [Source]
17 Mar 2019 Mike Kane MP (@MikeKaneMP) RT @LindaB_66: Great to meet Mike Kane on International Women’s day to discuss issues affecting teenagers #ClimateChange #mentalhealth http… [Source]
16 Mar 2019 Fleur Anderson MP (@PutneyFleur) So impressed and inspired by all the young people leading the climate strike demos around the world. All have conviction, courage, determination, and feel let down by MPs. Climate change IS an emergency and we need bold, radical action. #ClimateChangeStrike #YouthStrike4Climate https://twitter.com/CllrFleur/status/1106920116690792453/photo/1 [Source]
14 Mar 2019 Helen Whately MP (@Helen_Whately) RT @CEN_HQ: A message for school climate strikers. ???????????? #TogetherWeCanStopClimateChange #SchoolStrike4Climate #ClimateStrike #FridaysforFutu… [Source]
14 Mar 2019 Barry Gardiner MP (@BarryGardiner) RT @CSDS_UvA: New #UN report: climate goals unattainable without far-reaching innovation and integrated policy! See the highlights of the #… [Source]
13th March 2019
13 Mar 2019 Helen Whately MP (@Helen_Whately) RT @JSHeappey: This is amazing. A significant chunk of the Spring Statement is focussed on climate change and the environment. And with som… [Source]
12 Mar 2019 Brian Mathew MP (@BrianMathew4NW) @SFWcomms Still feeling chuffed about the Climate Emergency motion... having meetings about how we can make it happen. Are you still doing any solar work? it could be useful to involve you as a witness if you have time... [Source]
08 Mar 2019 Torcuil Crichton MP (@Torcuil) Labour going green - Corbyn talking about climate change as a working class issue. McDonnell to major on that too, citing school strikers. [Source]
08 Mar 2019 Johanna Baxter MP (@JohannaBaxter) Pleased to hear @jeremycorbyn commit to ensuring that tackling climate change and growing green jobs will be at the heart of our industrial strategy. #ScotLab19 [Source]
02 Mar 2019 Bambos Charalambous MP (@BambosMP) @lethargicmargin I’ll be asking the Government questions what progress they are making in becoming net zero as soon as possible, how they are influencing other countries to meet their targets and speaking out about the need for immediate global action to tackle climate change whenever possible. [Source]
01 Mar 2019 Sam Rushworth MP (@SamJRushworth) #ChangePoliticsBecause the biggest challenges of our time - climate change, cost of housing, social care - are barely tinkered with by politicians from all sides who think they're just too difficult and shy away from radical changes we need. [Source]
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