Welcome to VoteClimate: let's get started

Welcome to VoteClimate: let's get started

Dear wonderful [Name],

Thank you so, so much for joining VoteClimate.

VoteClimate is growing well. With your help we can make it a mass-movement and force the climate emergency onto the agenda of the major parties.

Please, Please Join Our Newsletter!

We need your consent to send you our monthly newsletter. We will keep you in touch with our plans & progress. Crucially, if you open our newsletter emails regularly, your email program is less likely to send our future voting-recommendation emails to your spam folder:

Log in to Subscribe

The Basics

Recruit, recruit, recruit! Promote, promote, promote! like your life depended on it: our children's lives might.

Can you help with any of these easy steps to begin with?

  • Promote and discuss with like-minded friends, family and colleagues
  • Use email, online messaging and sharing, social media, blogs, newsletters and face-to-face conversations - please see our Example Recruitment Email
  • Use the VoteClimate Petition as an excuse for contacting people or following up earlier messages
  • Remind yourself of our 3 Simple Steps explanation
  • Get up to speed with our Frequently Asked Questions - people will ask them
  • Print VoteClimate Posters: put them up in your windows and on work/community noticeboards
  • Print VoteClimate Flyers: hand out to friends and colleagues, leave in the office kitchen / coffee area
Letters to the Press

We had a flurry of new members joining when VoteClimate was recommended in a comment under an Observer article, igniting an online discussion. Can you do similar?

  • If you see an article in the national press where VoteClimate is relevant, please find the article online and post a comment publicising VoteClimate.
  • Local papers are desperate for content for their websites and they publish many letters received. Please look up the website of your local paper and write them a message mentioning VoteClimate eg how voters can look up their MP's record.
  • You can often comment under articles and letters on local newspaper websites. Please try to start a debate about VoteClimate.
Social Media
  • Post about VoteClimate on Bluesky, X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, NextDoor, etc
  • Follow @VoteClimateUK on Bluesky; like and repost
  • Follow @VoteClimateUK on X/Twitter; like and retweet our posts
  • Follow @VoteClimate_UK on Instagram; like our posts
  • Like VoteClimate on Facebook; like and share our posts
  • Ask friends on social media to do this, particularly if they have a large following
  • Consider joining social media! (apologies) to promote VoteClimate: Desperate times demand desperate measures
  • When you post or reply to posts about climate mention @VoteClimateUK and #VoteClimate
  • Update your social media profile to the VoteClimate avatar
  • Update your social media header image to the VoteClimate header
Data Resources

We've compiled data to help with climate campaigning. Eg all MPs' tweets about climate and all MPs' parliamentary speeches mentioning climate compared to their voting records, and more. Please see Data Resources.

News & Electoral Analysis

Please find our forecasts for the next general election including marginal seats, winnable seats for progressive parties and swings required to get action on climate on News & Analysis and Electoral Analysis.

Future Emails

We're going to run two email lists:

  • Monthly updates on progress and encouragement
  • Minimal emails: when to vote and how, approximately twice per year

You can opt out any time by replying "unsubscribe".

If you want more frequent updates please follow @"https://VoteClimateUK.bsky.social/ on Bluesky.

Thank You & Bye For Now

Love from the VoteClimate team

PS Who Are VoteClimate?

See About VoteClimate.

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Maximise your vote to save the planet.

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