VoteClimate October 2023: race to the top + dale vince + next general election + key marginals

VoteClimate October 2023: race to the top + dale vince + next general election + key marginals

Dear beautiful [Name],

Alongside Greenpeace, FoE, XR, Dale Vince and others, we're mobilising to create a "race to the top" on climate policy.

Dale Vince

Dale Vince is now supporting action on climate through the ballot box:

We're in contact and are going to discuss how we can work together.

Election Prediction & Key Marginals

Based on the new constituency boundaries and the latest opinion polls, we've forecast the result in each seat at the next general election:
VoteClimate's Forecast For The Next General Election
Predicted Closest Two-Way Marginal Seats

Find out which new seat you're in and how the parties stand there:
Find Your Constituency

Our Voting Power!

Labour are heading for a thumping majority and there's no pressure on them to improve their climate policies. We must make Labour worry about their majority.

The Liberal Democrats currently have better climate policies eg they support the Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill which includes a commitment to a Citizens Assembly on Climate. If we can recruit 1 million members who pledge to switch to the party with the best climate policies that can win in their seat, that will start to cut into Labour's predicted majority and make a hung parliament more likely (without helping anti-climate parties too much):
General Election Scenario: 2.5% Swing Labour To Lib Dems
General Election Scenario: 5% Swing Labour To Lib Dems

Greenpeace Project Climate Vote

When we've been out leafleting for VoteClimate, there's great awareness of Greenpeace's (renamed) Project Climate Vote. VoteClimate thinks Project Climate Vote is brilliant and urges you to support it.

What differentiates us is that Greenpeace do not intend to tell people how to vote. By joining VoteClimate you allow us to take our membership numbers to the main parties before the next election so they see exactly how many votes and seats they will win or lose depending on their manifesto commitments on climate.

VoteClimate Data

All the data we've gathered for VoteClimate, we're sharing with Greenpeace, MP Watch, FoE, etc. We have all MPs' climate votes, climate tweets, climate speeches, contact details and election forecasts at:

More Members (Please)

Thank you so much for all you've done recruiting new members for VoteClimate.

If you're new, we're asking you, please, to recruit 2 more members in your first 30 days after joining.

If you've got friends who keep meaning to join VoteClimate but still haven't got round to it, please could you give them another nudge?

This is critically important because we need as many members as possible well before the next election so we can influence the party manifestos before they start being written.

Thank You & Bye For Now

Love and courage from the VoteClimate team

Future Emails

We're running two email lists:

  • Monthly updates on progress and encouragement - this one
  • Minimal emails: when to vote and how, approximately twice per year

You can opt out any time by replying "unsubscribe".

If you want more frequent updates please follow @VoteClimateUK on Twitter or @VoteClimateUK on Instagram.

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