VoteClimate: Contact Daniel Wilson PPC

Contact Daniel Wilson PPC

At the next election Daniel Wilson is standing as the Green candidate in the new Cheltenham constituency.

You can contact Daniel Wilson as follows:

  • Email
  • Tweet @GreenCheltDan

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Why don't you contact Daniel Wilson now and tell them how much climate means to you?

  • First Join VoteClimate.
  • Make sure you let them know your postcode so that they know you are a constituent.
  • Tell them how much action on climate means to you and people you know.
  • Tell them you've joined VoteClimate and that you will be voting for the party with the best climate policy that can win in your seat.
  • Ask them how they are going to ensure that we are taking the drastic and immediate action needed to reduce emissions.

You can copy and paste the wording below into your message.

Dear Daniel Wilson,

I live in the new Cheltenham constituency at [postcode].

Climate is the main issue on which I will be deciding my vote in the next general election. How is your party ensuring that we are taking the immediate action necessary to reduce emissions?

Back to: Cheltenham constituency

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